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I am in the market for a tang for my 46 BF. What are some suggestions on the type of tang I should get?



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I think a 46 is too small for a tang. I'm not looking for a fight...just my humble opinion. :)


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Hey, I've got a Yellow-eyed Kole Tang in my 30g. I know, I know... But he's gonna be moved to a 55g real soon. So, it's possible to have a tang in a small tang when it's young and small, but don't expect it to grow very much.


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ChrisPrusha":31l771i6 said:
I think a 46 is too small for a tang. I'm not looking for a fight...just my humble opinion. :)

lol, I’m not looking for a fight either. I was merely trying to prove a point. No matter what anybody tells me about putting a tang in a 46 I still did it. I personally think that a 1000 gallon tank is too small for a nurse shark but the LFS has one.



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I have a yellow tang in my 55 and he is loving life. Granted I will have him in a 90 within a year but hes happy for now....


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I also have a yellow tang in my 46 bow and he is doing fine. I feel with proper filtartion and tank mates a small tang will do just fine. However and small house for a big fish is not always a good home.


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Well, it seems that some simply won't be convinced. So, with that in mind, and assuming that you'll do the right thing and find larger housing for it when it comes time, then I'm going to recommend a Zebrasoma species, and get it VERY SMALL. I'd also suggest going to a place like fishbase and checking ultimate adult sizes for all tangs, going with that which will top out in the smallest range.

I third the opinions of the 46 & 55 gallon tanks, because it's not just a matter of water quality, but also a matter of letting an animal that has evolved to swim a great deal some room in which to do what comes naturally.


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I have a decent sized yellow tang in my 72 BF that is NOT happy. I can see he feels cramped and he can clear the tank from one end to the other in a split second.

He is so territorial that he attacks me through the glass when I walk up to the tank...not my wife or our guests...JUST ME! :? I think he doesn't like my voice because he doesn't do it if I'm quiet.

If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't put my yellow tang in anything less than a five foot long tank.

It's too late for my tang now, and he may make it to a larger tank someday, but I would advise anyone with a smaller tank thinking about a fish that loves to swim to picture the fish pacing back and forth and looking for ways out and decide if that is an attractive addition to their tank.


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I have a yellow in my 180 and sometimes I think it's too small for him.


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I would have never put mine in my 46, but he came with the tank so I kind of had to. From what I have read and you have all said, a 46 is way to small. Most books sugest a MIN of 70 gallons.


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I have my 4/5" kole ina 90g, he is happy as a pig in SH**, swims around like he owns the joint. And is quite happy with the tomato clown pair. And other fish
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Ah yes, the point I was trying to prove has been proven. It was not that I could put any tang I wanted in any size tank it was that a lot of the time when I or someone else post on here asking a specific question the answers we get seem to dwell on everything but the question asked. I specifically asked what type of tang I should put in a 46 BF. I got one reply that actually suggested a type of tang. The rest were too busy telling me that I was wrong to even want to put a tang in that size tank. I’m sorry but it gets a little irritating when I try to find out something specific and I don’t get an answer because the replies are too busy telling me what I did not ask for. If you don’t think I should put a tang in a small tank than don’t post to my question of what type of tang should I put.


Sorry having a bad day.


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Well the US didn't think Hitler should kill Jews, So I guess we should have minded our own bussness then.


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Part of the issue is that different tangs will have different territoriality issues and activity levels, as well.


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DOGMAI":1mozaddq said:
Ah yes, the point I was trying to prove has been proven. It was not that I could put any tang I wanted in any size tank it was that a lot of the time when I or someone else post on here asking a specific question the answers we get seem to dwell on everything but the question asked. I specifically asked what type of tang I should put in a 46 BF. I got one reply that actually suggested a type of tang. The rest were too busy telling me that I was wrong to even want to put a tang in that size tank. I’m sorry but it gets a little irritating when I try to find out something specific and I don’t get an answer because the replies are too busy telling me what I did not ask for. If you don’t think I should put a tang in a small tank than don’t post to my question of what type of tang should I put.


Sorry having a bad day.

People are just trying to help you do the right thing Shane. The problem with tangs, is their niche they fill on the reef. They are open water surge dwellers for the most part, and don't do well in smaller tanks.
They need larger quarter then their size alone would seem to indicate - much like many wrasses.
I second the Zebrasoma recommendation if you insist on getting one.
FWIW, they seem to get to a certain size, then slow down a bit growth-wise.


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