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Titan Trigger

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I recently had an ich outbreak in my 210 gallon fish-LR-cleaning inverts tank. I have had that happened before and tried many medications but to no success. Finally, I decided to try Kent Marine's Rx.P ich treatment. That medicine was so strong and peppery that I almost got killed! BUT, the ich is now gone for good. It is amazing. All my LRs, hermit crabs, snails, and emerald crabs are fine. They have me as a customer for sure!

Just want to share my happiness with you.

Titan Trigger


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I'm having really good results with hyposalinity but if this stuff is the bomb and works then it could save alot of people alot of trouble.

Anyone else use this product before??

Terry B

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I am glad that you think that stuff worked for you, but I think I have talked to 100 people that said it did not wokr for them. People will always be eager to accept any treatment for ich that sounds easy even if it doesn't work most of the time. Do yourself and your fish a favor and learn about quarantine and hyposalinity.
Terry B

Titan Trigger

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I appreciate your comment, Terry B. But I just mentioned that I do have a qurantine tank. You are making an assumption that as long as people quarantine their livestock, ich would not exist in the system. I disagree with that.

I have done both hyposalinity and used quarantine tank, ich still somehow survived in the tank. You only need a small number of ich to start an outbreak. Fortunately, some fish do grow to be immuned from ich.

My success with Rx.P does not preclude other methods. I am not at all saying that this is THE medicine.



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Hello Titan,

Not sure if you know this or not but TerryB is considered to be an authority on ich. Terry has published some really good articles....


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man i have felt stupid on this forum before, but it wouldnt compare to the way this guys gotta feel after finding out who terry is


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There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, guys, even if they're Terry or Eric Borneman or Ron Shimek.

TT, Terry's written some great articles on ich for www.advancedaquarist.com if you'd like to check them out.


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Titan didn't say anything to offend Terry at all. Why would he feel stupid?

I have done both hyposalinity and used quarantine tank, ich still somehow survived in the tank. You only need a small number of ich to start an outbreak. Fortunately, some fish do grow to be immuned from ich.

Which fish grow to be immune to ich?

Hyposalinity does work but I liked used ruby reef. Although last time I had ich last year or something I used the garlic method with great results. On small outbreaks I would try garlic before hypo and hypo before the additives like kents rx or ruby reefs kick ich. JMO


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i am QTing fish now, it really really sucks i fed garlic for nearly a month while it did control it, i dont think it ever would have eliminated it, so i finally just did it..... i dont think theres any true "reef safe" treatment ... if there was it would be a great thing... it sucks to have it in your tank period if the fish get stressed for any reason its just asking for a outbreak... id rather not have it in my tank...


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There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, guys, even if they're Terry or Eric Borneman or Ron Shimek.

Nothing wrong with it at all. Sometimes we find out the best information when there is a disagreement.

I just wanted to let Titan know to pack a lunch and prepare if he is going to disagree with TerryB. :wink: :lol:

Terry B

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Right, there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with anyone here. After all, this is a discussion board and if we all initially agree, that wouldn’t foster much of an exchange of information.
You may disagree with the idea that quarantining your fish will prevent ich from getting in your system. While it is not 100%, I believe that the vast majority of infections are prevented when all fish are quarantined before they are introduced into the display aquaria.
For anyone that has not had satisfactory results treating fish with hypo the problem usually stems from a couple of different elements. The most common of these is using an inaccurate means of measuring the salinity. Plastic swing arm-type hydrometers are notoriously inaccurate and generally read lower than the actual salinity. Sometimes people are simply using a salinity level that is too high to be effective. Another potential problem is not treating the fish for long enough. Three weeks at a therapeutic level is minimal. Then sometimes the fish are re-introduced to soon back into the display tank that was infected with ich. A thirty-day fallow period is the shortest that can be recommended and that means that there are zero fish in that tank during that period.
While it is true that some fish do develop a level of immunity after surviving infection, such immunity is usually only partial and limited in duration. IMO, immunity can be largely overplayed.
I certainly can’t argue with anyone’s personal experience. However, I may point out that their positive experience appears to be the exception rather than the rule. I have a difficult time recommending any treatment that succeeds less often than it fails.
Terry B


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I agree with Terry as it relates to these magical cures for ich. IMO, they're just selling hope in a bottle. There's no science behind these products. On top of that, they don't even tell you what's in it! Any success with these products is probably just coincidental.



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while i agree with you completely on QT, saying that any results achieved from a medication (while i dont advocate the use of) is kinda i dunno well obnoxious... i mean meds arent good, but if you put a fish in a hospital tank and treat then the ich goes away how could this be purely coincidental.... im talking after a 30 day period of observation... the problem with most "reef" safe meds is that they arent "safe" at all... but a lot of them do actually kill the ich.... other than garlic or pepper juice, which effects do help, but not cure.

Terry B

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Greg is right, any percieved success with these products is porbably just coincidental. First, none of them have shown to be effective in clinical trials. Everyone knows that ich will sometimes go away on its own. Besides that, the diagnosis has not been confirmed in the first place. It is a known fact that some fish will develop partial and sometimes full acquired immunity to ich, at least for a limited duration of time. Immunity may be the reason that these medications occasionally appear to work.
Terry B


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hmm copper isnt an effective proven treatment for ich? i didnt know that... i thought it was proven... aside from being a good idea to use it or not, copper med kills ich....

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