Hey everyone. I was hanging around the lfs earlier today and overheard a conversation between an employee and a customer. The customer had apparentley set up their system about 2 weeks ago. He was in the store to have is water tested. Ammonia = .25ppm Nitrite = 2.0ppm Nitrate = 15ppm. The problem is the guy had placed a lionfish, damsel, and bicolor blenny in is tank. After hearing there disscussion I interjected and asked the employee to take the fish back until the persons cycle had completed. The employee replied that it was against their policy, and she could not. I would house the fish myself but my tank is only two weeks old itself. Neither the person nor I now any other reefkeepers in the community. My question is could we control the tank through aggressive water changes? Or do the fish have to come out? I grabbed his number so I could help him find a solution. Thanks