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I just noticed some whitish growths on the side of one of my clownfish just behind his gills. The little guy has been in the main tank for about a week. He has just spent four weeks in quarentine with a tang and another perc.

Does anyone know what this growth is? The picture isn't that great but he doesn't want to sit still for a photo!

He is eating well and has great colour.

Tank params are:

Sp G 1.026
T 27C
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
pH 8.2

I'm stumped.


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If the growths are white-gray cauliflower-like clumps at the base of his fins, it could be the viral infection Lymphocytis. It's mentioned on pg. 158 of "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist". I remember this because my friend's clown had the same thing and I looked it up for him.

I also agree on quarantining him. Just be be safe.



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I agree with belallanon it looks to large to be ich.

I think this is also mentions in Moes books.


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belallanon":3maxz5jn said:
If the growths are white-gray cauliflower-like clumps at the base of his fins, it could be the viral infection Lymphocytis.
I bought a pair of false percs about a year and a half ago when I was starting my reef tank. They both got these growths, which worried me, but didn't seem to bother them. They went away in about a month, all on their own. Clowns, in particular, seem to be suceptible to this virus. The stress of being in a new environment appears to trigger their vulnerability, but I think it usually runs it's course.

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