I was gone over the weekend and when I returned on Monday evening I found my first loss in my tank. There was a bunch of red legs scatered around a shell and I figured it must have gotten into a fight with another or something. Then on Tues night I found a red legged hermit crawling around on a rock with out his shell which was in a hole not to far away. I brought the old shell from the first dead hermit over by him but he wouldnt take and jump off the rock a few minutes later and died. This moring I woke to find another one of my red legged hermits dead and pulled out of his shell on top of another rock his meaty tail is just a few white stringy things now. I have no idea what is going on. I have two tiny hermits and they seem fine as do my snails, however the last two red legged hermits and my electric blue hermit no longer seem to come out that much they spend most of the time hiding in rock crevices so that all I can see is the shell. I know they are still allive because they move from hole to hole sometime in the night or when I am not looking but their behavior has completely changed and I have no idea why are they sick and just gettin picked off or do I have something that is hunthign them and killing them. I am testing all my parameters again but I just had my water checked by the pet store on tues eveing and it was fine Nitrates, Nitrites, and ammonia all zero. Thanks for the help