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I went away and I came back to find my six line wrasse missing in action. I cnat find anything. Everything else in the tank is fine, so either hes playing one big game of hide and go seek or hes dead and the carcass is gone. I did a water cha nge, havent seen anything, is it possible hes still alve, like, do wrasses hide for that long/ do they do that? Also, if i use a Tap Water FIlter by AP, will it impact the cyano in my tank? Thnx! :) :(


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fishfanatic2":1d9dzuae said:
I went away and I came back to find my six line wrasse missing in action. I cnat find anything. Everything else in the tank is fine, so either hes playing one big game of hide and go seek or hes dead and the carcass is gone. I did a water change, havent seen anything, is it possible hes still alve, like, do wrasses hide for that long/ do they do that? Also, if i use a Tap Water FIlter by AP, will it impact the cyano in my tank? Thnx! :) :(

you haven't mentioned for how long the wrasse has been 'hiding' :wink:

if you haven't been using any other means of processing your source water up 'till now,then yes, i think the tap water purifier will help.

however, not only will it not help as much as a good quality rodi unit, it will also be more expensive to use, in the long run. :wink:



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Look really well around your aquarium. Six-Line wrasse and wrasse in general I believe are jumpers. I lost a Six-Line due to fishy suicide once. His body was well hid under my electric heater and took me a few searches to find him.

If you still don't find a body then he's hiding really well or dead under rockwork where you can't see him. Keep an eye on your ammonia levels, If he is dead in your tank a good chance your ammonia could spike to some degree.

I hope he is well and just playing mind games with you :D


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if you don't have it covered....
on the floor behind the stand is a likely spot to find him.


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the tank is pretty well covered, i just checked behind the stand and nothing. Been 36 hours, so i doubt it, plus id just did a water change, stirred things up a bit, and no sign of im. The weird thing is that there isn't any evidence of him in the tank-all the other inverts and one fish are fine. kinda like that CBS show "Without a Trace". It seems that I am having a reall trouble gettinmng fish to live in my tank, although this one was a surprise since he was doing great. i have vowed to get my fish from a better LFS and to keep up with topoff and get algae under control.
Hopeuflly this will make things better. :? :(


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I have a "Mexican wrasse that disappeared for 4 days! I thought he was a goner. I was just starting to get over the loss when he reappeared as if by magic. No apparent health problems or anything. So hang in there a little longer. Hopefully it will show up again.

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