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I was watching my pink skunks settling on their carpet anemone for the night,,, there was the usual pushing and shoving for the best position but I could clearly hear the big female making a noise when she was 'moving' the other 3 clowns about. I'm not usually around this tank late at night so I've never noticed it before.

The sound was a bit like a purring cat,, but a bit faster and higher pitch. I used to have a Sargent Major that made all kinds of weird noises but have never heard a clown before.

Anyone else heard this before or am I going nuts?


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I had a male perc that would turn on his side in submission, and jerk. When he did this he would make a very distinctive clicking kind of sound. FWIW


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My female True Perc swims to the front glass and makes the same noise you are describing when I am sitting in the recliner next to the tank. She is telling me she is ready to eat.


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Thanks,,,that's cool.

Don't suppose anyone knows how they do that? Are they vibrating their tongue? I assume they don't have vocal chords.

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