my 100 gal. + 25 gal sump is running with a salinity of 19 and I will be moving the whole operation to a 65 gal. holding tank (yet to be set up) of new water in about 4 weeks. I know my salinity should be about 24 so I am going to set the salinity in the holding tank to 24 before I yank everybody (live rock, crabs, shrimp, snails, fish) and move them over. In order to minimize the acclimatization on the other end and so as not to shock all the inhabitants I want to try to get the salinity in the present tank from 19 to 24 gradually over the next 4 weeks. I think this represents getting at least 8 lbs of salt in (forget my high school chemistry) I tried to mix a supersaturated solution for dripping but the solution is cloudy and I'm worried about buggering the tank's water chemistry. anybody have any idea's? p.s. here's my design for a kalk/solution drip system (not well suited for large deliveries), well suited for a nano or <50 gal.[/i]