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Titan Trigger

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I am thinking of ordering the nano pack from Seacrop. Can anyone tell me how fast the corals will grow? I have a 30 galon tank would the mushroom grow fast to cover some rocks?

Titan Trigger


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Coral growth is dependent on a lot of things: lighting, available nutrients, water quality, etc. What is your current setup?


Titan Trigger

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Hi Shane,

My 30 gallon is just finished cycling and the water parameters are great. I do not have any corals but a green chromis, one sally light footed crab, 20 snails, and a few scarlet hermit crabs. 40# reef sand and about 45# of LR. Lighting is Custom SeaLife Prism Pendant with 175W 10,000K MH bulb with two 32W ultra actinic blue PC bulbs.


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