I notice these little guys on my rock two to three months ago. I initially thought that these guys were majano anemone's. I even tried to eliminate them via the kalk method. Last week I was looking at them closely again because I was planing to zap them again. That is when I noticed that one had slightly receded and I noticed several septa on its side. Upon closer inspection of other colonies, I noticed that I could see the corallite and septa located in the tissue of several other individuals. The mother colony has about a 14 inch diameter when fully expanded. Unfortunately, I didn't notice any "spawning event" and can't really pin down the exact time that I noticed them. I found several instances of Euphyllia type coral spawning in reef tanks, but haven't found any instances of them actually surviving. I f anyone has knowledge of any other instances, I would love to hear about them. The photos I enclosed show clearly the corallite and septa in some of the babies. There are 10-15 individuals located throughout my tank. If the planula have any settlement preferences, they are not apparent to me.