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If this is a decent design, where best to drill the holes? On the back of the tank, high low, on the bottom?

Also, I plan on doing my plumping with regular old flexible clear or reinforced vinyl tubing. So if this is not compatible, then again I'll probably skip it until I learn more and do another tank.

In case you're wondering, the reason for the flexible tubing is again because this is my first tank and I expect CHANGE in the plumbing. I want to be able to make the changes easily as I learn withoout having to unglue and take apart a bunch of rigid PVC.

And the reason for putting the closed loop pump in the sump is to lower the noise factor, and because I'm a bit paranoid about the pump leaking (as long as it's in the sump, maybe a leak wont lead to disaster).

Thanks again to everyone responding. Sorry for my long posts and cross posts. But I'm learning a lot.



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I would make the intake hole more in the middle and the return up higher. My closed loop pump is external, but resides inside a 5 gal rubbermaid bucket just incase it decides to spring a leak on me.

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