It seem some of my live rock purple coraline algea is turning white any thoughts. I have been using calcium. Some of the coraline that is growing on the glass starts out purple then turn white.
yah, i got 3 huge urchins, and I just found out recently they gobble up the stuff. after I found out I looked in my tank and actually realized there's paths where they had just moved where the coralline is gone :!: They're gettin removed once I figure out what to do with them....hopefully a LFS will take them off my hands
Thank for all the responses, last time I check the cal levels they were 440ppm. I havent checked it in a while because that test is a P. I A. but I will check it tonight. I have 10-12 ass. fish. Different mushroom corals pulsing x's some yellow pollop coral(? name) lg bubble tip anemome and a couple of other things. They are all doing great!! My coraline is comming along slow on the live rock but is growing on the glass in my refugium and especially in lower light conditions. i have a 130 gallon with 2 250 halides and 98 w. pc compact. I do have 1 blue urch. but I cant seem to see a path where he has been
Have you changed your lighting at all? I have just witnessed the same thing. I added some corals and had to increase my lighting for only 4 hours to 10 and its totally bleaching out my coralline. Mostly the lighter colored coralline. I would guess your seeing little white specs all over it less than a millimeter in size. Very frusterating since we spend so much on rock and addatives. Also the coraline that is bleaching out, is it facing the light directly or is it all over. I wouldnt suspect it to be die off, you now what that looks like right? I will also assume that you know coraline tends to flake off and that is growth not decay.