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can anyone tell me where to find the Aqua C Remora...other than Marine Depot...ive looked all over (well not all over) with little success...


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want to compare prices..nothing is wrong with marine depot but what fun is it to buy something when the only place you can get it is at one place?


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My LFS special-ordered it for me. I paid the same price as I would have paid for mail-ordering at Marine Depot.

I got the Remora Pro with the Mag-3 upgrade and the preskimmer box.

If your tank is smaller, you can get the regular Remora, but I'd get the Maxijet pump upgrade and preskimmer box.

The preskimmer box is a bit of a crock to attach (to put it mildly), but does a good job of sucking surface water for the skimmer.


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well the LFS said they could get me a 150W MH for $450..doesnt sound like a deal...nothing against my LFS cuz they are actually good...It doesnt sound like too many online dealers though...bummer...


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Not meaning to be demeaning, but assuming you're on a high speed (e.g. not dialup) connection, have you tried clicking through the various reefs.org sponsors? At least 4 of them list the AquaC as one skimmer that they carry...


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yeah i have..sorry about the dial up...ive checked through a couple but im unsure who to look at..commercial sites and all..some i come upon are just live goods but im not going through every site there....


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OK, you're on dial-up connection. Your internet speed is, umm, challenged... Should have said so, so that you get sympathy from us bleeding-heart broadband connected...

Check out Marine Depot, Global Aquarium Supply, Premium Aquatics, and SeaQuest, all sponsors of Reefs.org. Better yet, see which ones have toll-free numbers, and let your fingers do the talking.

p.s. I see you're in Carson City (presumaby Nevada). If you ski, can you send me a pm?


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sorry no skiing..not originally from here...i cant afford that hobby and this hobby simultaneously.. :wink: unfortunately yes i have internet speed downsyndrome...my apt is i think the only one that doesnt have any connection to broadband..in bedroom atleast...im not gonna put my comp out in my living room...so im stuck with dial up...but thanx for the info..two of those sites are i havent seen yet..global and seaquest... unfortunately the Aqua C remora seems to be the same price no matter where i look....


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Global Aquarium Supply is a new sponsor for reefs.org, they have a big logo in the sponsors. Seaquest has a much smaller logo near the bottom of the sponsors.

The price is going to be pretty much the same with most of them. One may run a special on shipping (e.g. free shipping with orders > $150 or something).

See if your LFS will match the internet prices. You may be (pleasantly) surprised.


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LordNikon":31z7dx44 said:
well the LFS said they could get me a 150W MH for $450..doesnt sound like a deal...nothing against my LFS cuz they are actually good...It doesnt sound like too many online dealers though...bummer...
i dont think thatll work....however youre right..DUH..global is the new one...i read that sticky or whatever...oops

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