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How long do they usually stay open during the day? Mine open for about 4 hours then stay closed. Some days they do not open at all. When they do come out they do extend all the way and look great. About 2 weeks in the tank.

I have them on the bottom in my 90 with 2 150 HQI's and 2 VHO, flow is about 1500 gph in total. They are in a lower flow area.


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Mine are typically out all the time, but will close up if something is pestering them.

I have found mine pretty tolerant of most conditions, but they do like reasonalby good flow. If they don't start showing themselves more in a week or so, I would consider trying a slightly higher flow area if you feel they are under "low flow."

But I would still give them a chance to get used to where they are, at 2 weeks, they may just be getting used to the new neighborhood.


Experienced Reefer
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Thanks! no visible creatures bothering them at all, an occasional snail crossing thats about it. I guess I will wait a week or so and see if things change.


Advanced Reefer
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Mine are usually out all day but retracted at night, The only thing that made them stay retracted more (for over a week) was when I overdosed on kalk.

They were also a bit finicky the first couple of weeks after i got them,,, now they grow like a weed and seem to prefer the higher flow areas near the halides.


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Agree w/ Juck. Mine come out as soon as the room begins to brighten in the morning, and within 15 minutes of the lights going out they are fully retracted.

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