M Mekinnik Active Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jan 26, 2004 #1 If I am running a 96 watt PC and a 36" 50/50 30 watt NO, what would be the best wattage for actinic 03 lighting for this tank?? 1-flower pot 1-cup coral 2-gorgonians various shrooms,zoos, and polyps 1-anemone 2-clowns 2-pajama cardinals 1-manderin goby
If I am running a 96 watt PC and a 36" 50/50 30 watt NO, what would be the best wattage for actinic 03 lighting for this tank?? 1-flower pot 1-cup coral 2-gorgonians various shrooms,zoos, and polyps 1-anemone 2-clowns 2-pajama cardinals 1-manderin goby
L Len Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jan 26, 2004 #2 I'd get another 96W PC or a 95W 36" VHO actinic.