T Tangboy Active Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 16, 2004 #1 what should the approximate dimensions be for a refugium for a 220g tank
F fungia Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 16, 2004 #2 i think bigger the better! i know that isnt very exact but i believe it is accurate. if you can stick a 100 gallon fuge in there, i say go for it, or what ever you can fit.
i think bigger the better! i know that isnt very exact but i believe it is accurate. if you can stick a 100 gallon fuge in there, i say go for it, or what ever you can fit.
N NaCl-H2O Experienced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 16, 2004 #3 I'm with Fungia make it as big as you can.
H hdtran Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 16, 2004 #4 The larger the better, but any size is better than none at all. If I remember, Fenner/Calfo in "Reef Invertebrates" recommend 20% as a minimum rule of thumb. So, for a 200g, a 40g refugium should do the trick. Of course, I think we're now supposed to call them 'algae scrubbers.'
The larger the better, but any size is better than none at all. If I remember, Fenner/Calfo in "Reef Invertebrates" recommend 20% as a minimum rule of thumb. So, for a 200g, a 40g refugium should do the trick. Of course, I think we're now supposed to call them 'algae scrubbers.'
C cdeakle Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 17, 2004 #6 a 100 gallon should be cool.....for smaller tanks I agree with LN, 50% or so...
T tikki50 Active Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 19, 2004 #7 I have a 40 gal with a 20 gal fuge/sump works good.