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I got a feeather duster from LFS a few weeks ago and it seems to be doing ok. The only thing is, it secretes some kind of red film in sheets all over the place that almost looks like rose petals. It will sometimes cover the sand around it and the live rock. Is this normal or dangerous in some way? Thanks.


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In my 15 years in this hobby, I've never seen or heard of this. Allow me to move it to the General Reef Discussion where more experienced hobbyists may have a clue. Would you happen to be able to snap some pics of this?


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Sorry, I just cleaned it up yesterday after having come back from vacation. It was everywhere though. I'll try to get some pics and upload it when it returns. I might have some old pics of the tank but not sure if they concentrate on this red film.


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I'm going to be very surprised if this isn't just a coincidental outbreak of red cyano and the purchase of the feather duster, but then you never know...strange things happen in reefs.


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i was gonna say cyano..have you seen the feather duster actually secrete this red mass?


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yeah, sorry guys for the false alarm. i looked it up a bit more extensively and saw some pics and it does look like cyano. it just seemed so velvety and almost seductive that i though it was a secretion. i was probably overfeeding and i don't have a skimmer in my nanocube. oh well, i guess i have to be more careful. thanks a bunch guys.


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When feather duster worms die, do their guts hang out of the tubes? I got a new rock from a lfs' established tank and I just dropped it in the aquarium because I was starting a new tank. I didn't really check out the rock too much at first, so I don't know if they were already alive or not, and my tank was super cloudy so I didn't get to see it for a few days until I put the filter in.

So, what has happened now is that these stringy clear things are sticking out of what appear to be feather duster worm-tubes. Is this normal?

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