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I had purchased a new frogfish last thursday. He looked pretty good at the lfs. I noticed that he looked kind of fat when he was bagged but I shrugged it of to a full belly. He basically diapeared into the reef until today. I finally saw him coming out of the rock work and he looked really bloated. His breathing was pretty rapid and he seemed pretty slugish. Tonight when I was checking out the tank he was on his side and his mouth was gaping. I got out the net and kind of nudged but it was to late. Is this a normal malady for a frog? My tank is in great shape and we acclimated with dripping for 2 hours. I am sure he must have brought whatever killed him with him. What the heck happened?

Expos Forever

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I can suggest two possibilities:

1) Your frog fish took in air (were the transfers done underwater?)

2) A too big undigested meal


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I have heard that frogfish can suffer from eating too much. Basically their digetsive system cannot keep up with the food (big pieces) and it begins to rot in their gut. This produces gasses that bloat and possibly kill the fish.


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He was transferred underwater into "my" QT as for all of the other trips he made from the ocean to the lfs I can't even speculate. I think the big meal theory sounds likely. Do you think some kind of compensation should be given to me. Or will I just have to eat this one?


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Never hurts to try. While most LFS do not offer refunds on saltwater animals, most also do not like to chase away the customers of the high $ saltwater animals.

Most of the time my LFS of choice will give a "discount" on my next purchase (this has only happened once thankfully).


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Thats about all I really want anyways. They usually give me pretty good deals as it is. The only bummer is that It's a 4 hour round trip to get there. That made my twenty dollar frog closer to a fifty dollar frog considering gas prices.


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Ya I know it's the next town over. We have to lfs's in my town. I have been banned from one. The other has really nice people but A. they don't know what they are doing (i hate hearing someone at the lfs giving just terrible advice). B. they are crazy overpriced. MY "$50" frogfish from over the hill would be 60-75 bucks here. I still save money after 180 mile round trip. 8O


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Don't mean to pry, but I smell a good story.
How exactly do you get "banned" from a petstore :?:


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Maybe because he keeps killing frogfishy's? Hehe jk.

I have always wanted to walk in with a pair of PhatPants and a cup of water in my pocked and see what kind of fish I could sneak out. I bet they'd ban you for that. When they ban you, do they say, "I ban thee" ?


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I beleive we have already been down the path of the banning on this very board. And it wasn't I ban thee it was get the **** out!


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MIKE TYSONS PUNCH-OUT for the Avitar....

Best yet.... :D :D :D


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Looked up your banning for curiosity. Sounds like one thin skinned "biologist," and I can see why you woulding want to go back.

BTW shouldn't a 3 legged bearded dragon be 25% off???

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