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Is it true that you should not mix Clown fishes ? I have a Tomato Clown as the first and only fish in my 45 G tank. I was going to get some Percula Clowns and also a Clarkii Clown. The LFS guy tells me that this is a bad idea as Tomato Clowns are aggressive towards other Clowns and Perculas will end up dead eventually. Anyone has experience with mixing Clowns ?

Has anyone tried using a wall of live rock to separate non compatible species ? Is this a silly idea ?


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I think you have the makings of a clown rumble that would make the WWE jealous. As for a lve rock divider your gonna have to get some mortar and make it a live rock brick wall.


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I have two clown species in my 75 and all is well,, but I was really lucky,,, and I was willing to whip the fish out if there was trouble.

I have a spawning pair of pink skunks and a young pair of Oscellaris (one standard, one Black and White). Pink skunks have a reputation for being aggressive but I've not witnessed it myself.

Tomatoes and Clarkiis are both aggressive,,, mixing either of them with Percs probably wouldn't end well, especially in a 45.


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Pink skunks in my experience have always been a shy, peaceful clownfish even with other members of its species.

Two clowns such as a skunk and percula/common clown, would mix fairly well. On the other hand, a tomato and maroon/clarkii or such, would more than likely kill each other.


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I have a mixed of 1 pair Maroon Clowns and 1 pair of Orange Skunk Clowns..neither are spawning yet as far as I can tell.....Minimal conflicts so far.....The female Maroon has been on several surveying trips to the Orange Skunks territory but always returns to its own area of the tank eventually....This is definately hit n miss for any clown species..approach with caution and expect conflicts over time....Maroon Clown are very aggressive especailly as they sexually mature..Good Luck...Dennis


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I have a mixed of 1 pair Maroon Clowns and 1 pair of Orange Skunk Clowns..neither are spawning yet as far as I can tell.....Minimal conflicts so far.....The female Maroon has been on several surveying trips to the Orange Skunks territory but always returns to its own area of the tank eventually....This is definately hit n miss for any clown species..approach with caution and expect conflicts over time....Maroon Clown are very aggressive especailly as they sexually mature..Good Luck...Dennis

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