I have finally purchased the fish that I have looked forward to the most. It is a Blue Hippo Tang that I brought home two days ago. We added her last because we knew about their succeptability to ick and we did not quarantine her to avoid undue stress. We have not added a fish to the tank in over two months to make sure that everything was pristine. Well, we noticed yesterday that she was starting to show some white spots but nothing serious. This morning when I woke up she was covered from mouth to tail with hundreds of extremely small white spots. They all appear to be under the skin and at this point only some are protruding. We already know that this is ick and we are just trying to figure out the best course of action for treatment. We expected her to get ick, we were just not prepared for her to get it so bad. I have 2 cleaner shrimp and a Neon Goby all going to town on her but I think that they are in over their heads.
Now for the question: I currently have a Yellow Clown Goby in my 10 gallon QT undergoing hypo. I have a recently vacated a 20H set up (Freshwater) that I can clean up to use as a hospital tank.
1. Should we move the Tang into the hospital and add the extra stress or leave her be?
2. If we move her should we also move the rest of the fish and allow the display to run fishless.? (There are six other small fish)
Now for the question: I currently have a Yellow Clown Goby in my 10 gallon QT undergoing hypo. I have a recently vacated a 20H set up (Freshwater) that I can clean up to use as a hospital tank.
1. Should we move the Tang into the hospital and add the extra stress or leave her be?
2. If we move her should we also move the rest of the fish and allow the display to run fishless.? (There are six other small fish)