Last night I noticed that one of my larger Turbo Snails was stuck between the glass and some LR. I removed him, he closed, I sat him down by the bottom and glass to let him get hold and travel. Im my horror I watched my 2yr old cleaner attack him. I chased him away once and the snail contracted into its shell. I came back just in time to see the shrimp rip the brains and head off the snail. In no time he was consumed. I feed once a day and the shrimp is a hog. I had fears that he attacked and killed a Lawnmower Blemmy I had 2 months ago. I aclimated the blemmy, let him be and he was swimming fine. later I saw the cleaner messing with him, thought they were making friends, then to my horror he tore his gills out. I have a Coral Bueaty and 2 Yellow tails in hte tank now. I am almost afraid to add anything else. I took pictures of the inital attack. Anybody heard of this before? I like the shrimp but what the deal?