melanotaenia":3b8wdupx said:
Lord Nikon 1: Brandon: 0
When in doubt, look to webster, he knows...........
The distinction I have been making is very obvious, and stated explicitly: A highly educated (masters,ect.), experienced, scientist vs. a hobbyist. Defining a scientist is a dialogue that we had a couple pages ago, and was a tangent, not the point of what we have been talking about, but in case you are confused I have cleared it up for you.
I wonder how much thought you put into agreeing with Odai. You have been slandering scientists and I called you on it.
Ah f*uck it, you guys are right, we really are smarter then all these scientist losers. Lets start a little internet club where we can agree with each other, while the scientists all over the world are drinking Bud Light, sitting on their thumbs. If we agree with each other enough, maybe it will be true.