This is not really the same as the remora, but I have the CPR with the prefilter/bubble trap combo box, and I was not too happy with it.
For starters, those without sumps sometimes have a need to skim the surface, right? So the combo box seemed like a godsend. Wrong.
Set the combo box too low and you don't skim the surface, you pull the water from under the surface film, leaving you with the surface layer still.
Set it too high, and within 4 hours, enough water has evaporated to run your skimmer pump dry and fry your tank. (I am not a great DIY'er, too afraid of an auto topoff)
Just get a powerhead, and aim it toward the surface. Voila, no more film, and extra water movement to boot.
***edited for spelling***I am too darn tired to type***