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I have done everything, have always used RO/DI water, don't overfeed, increased circulation, no phosphates, yadda yadda....

I once used Chemi-Clean and it somewhat worked but the Cyano came back. Because of a recent thread about Chemi-Clean killing off stock I don't think I wanna go that route again.

What else is out there? What should I use? What would you reccommend??


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What is your substrate (Southdown, CC, other)? Do you siphon out detrius once and a while? DSB or barebottom? How frequent are your water changes and have you tested your RO/DI with a TDS meter? Do you run a skimmer, if so what kind and how much skimmate do you get? Can you list PH, ALK, SG, Temp, Calcium. Do you drip Kalk? When did you change your lights last? These questions all come up when you search for cyano on this and other reef boards.

There are a lot of threads on cyano, and it's elimination.

A refugium with Chaetomorpha is a good method of nutrient export. Your Phosphate test will say zero if you have cyano, because it uses it soon as it's available, same with nitrates.
Export, good skimming and pure water changed frequently. There should be no need for chemicals.

Good Luck with your prob. I have beaten cyano with proper husbandry, and so can anyone.




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Another one down the chemical route is anti-red. Worked for me. (knock on wood). :wink:

It doesnt give u dosing instructions on the box, if u get it and LFS doesnt tell u, let me know via PMand ill give u the dosing instructions via PM. 8)


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What is your substrate

Live sand, caribsea, less than 1" and bare in some spots

Do you siphon out detrius once and a while?

Of course, every water change.

DSB or barebottom

Neither, closer to bare bottom

How frequent are your water changes and have you tested your RO/DI with a TDS meter?

Weekly or every two weeks. Yes, always use RO/DI water with a TDS of 0.

Do you run a skimmer, if so what kind and how much skimmate do you get?

Yes, AquaC urchin (In-Sump). I get half a skimmer cup every 2 days or so.

Can you list PH, ALK, SG, Temp, Calcium?

ph: 8.1-8.4
salinity: 1.023 - 1.024 (refractometer)
temp: 77-79
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
ammonia: 0

Do you drip Kalk?


When did you change your lights last?

6 months ago.

A refugium with Chaetomorpha is a good method of nutrient export

Already in place.

Export, good skimming and pure water changed frequently. There should be no need for chemicals.

I do all the above but appears that I may need chemicals....


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I have x4 MJ 1200's and I move around 600gph through my overflow/sump/return pump.

I have a couple extra MJ 1200's but some of my corals are already getting blown around more than I would like.....


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I have used Chemi-Clean with no ill effects but it didn't really solve my problem either. Since another reef.orger actually lost livestock due to the product I will learn from his misfortune.



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I Know you said you don't have phosphates, but these hobby test kits are useless for testing PO4. Been there before. Try some ROWAPHOS from Marine Depot. I'll bet it clears up right away.


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I have some phosban from two little fishies, havent used it yet since no phosphate readings. I used the Sailfert phosphate test, any reason to doubt its accuracy? Why use a test kit to test water parameters just to deny the results?


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Remember, the algae may be using up all available PO4, so that's why you could be getting a reading of 0 on PO4 tests. As the algae dies off, it releases the PO4 into the water column, only to be taken up (and cause growth of) more nuisance algae. This may just have to run its course, as in all reef tanks, nuisance algae's seem to do. Then things hopefully will settle down. I had the same problem with GHA that eventually had a massive die off and never came back ( I was sure to remove all the dead GHA, and continued to pull the living as much as possible until it quit).


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420puff":3g5l7n1m said:
I have some phosban from two little fishies, havent used it yet since no phosphate readings. I used the Sailfert phosphate test, any reason to doubt its accuracy? Why use a test kit to test water parameters just to deny the results?

Because the test kits don't detect small amounts of PO4, and small amounts are all thats needed to feed the algae. Your test kit can show no PO4, but there still could be some in the tank. And like was stated above, the algae could be using it as soon as it becomes avaible also.


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Damn those phosphates, lol. I will crack open my phosban and hope 2 little fishies makes a good product....


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How old is the tank?

I know with my tank I went through (over the period of about a year)... cyano... green hair...

Now everything is balanced and it looks good and I've got great purple and green coraline growth all over the rocks tank etc.

I did use anti-red twice during that period when the cyano was just so ugly I had to do something.

I think it was just a phase in my tank.



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It was suggested to me to use special blend to help battle cyno. I just added the stuff yesterday. No water changes no nothing. The only thing I did was removed my carbon. All special blend contains is bacteria basically to start the cycle of a tank, but from what other members told me is that it will overpower the cyno and you must get as much as possible out. I do know that this morning There was much less cyno present in my fuge after I added it 12 hours before. Its worth the try and not nearly as damaging as a known chemical like RSR or Chemi-clean.


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Personally, if everything else is okay, I'd just nuke the stuff.

The active ingredient in the products you can get that kill this is invariable the antibiotic "erythromycin". The dose I've used in the past is 1 gram per 50 gallons.

The human vaiety of the drug is quite a cheap way to get it. Get a prescription from a vet and then visit a pharamacy etc.

Now, there are people here who will cry foul of actually iradicating a condition using drugs. But remember, these are the same types of people who don't vaccinate their kids :wink: To be fair, the two schools of thought are diametrically opposed...

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