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Ok, I have read about as much as I can and need some assistance from the true experts. I am setting up/designing a 210 Gallon reef tank and am at a cross-roads on Skimmer selection. I have read a lot of good things about the ASM (Euro reef knock off) as well as the ETSS. I am looking at both the ASM GS-4 and the ETSS 900. Both seem well received, but the ASM/Euro reef seems to be in the lead. Any ideas, comments suggestions would be appreciated. Trying to minimize as many mistakes as possible. Thanks for any assistance.


Advanced Reefer
Upstate NY
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Hi and :welcome:

Personally, if it wanted the ultimate in skimming power I'd probably go with one of the beckett-type skimmers.

If you want a great skimmer, and ease of use and energy efficiency is also of high importance, then I'd go with the ASM/Euro type skimmer...



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Thanks Chris,

One follow up - I understand that the Euro probably is more energy efficient than an ETSS or the beckett type, but I would suppose that the Beckett and ETSS are probably on the same filed energy wise since they both require external pumps. Also, Is a Euro that much easier to use than the beckett style?. Would recommend the MY Reef MR 2 for my application?

Thanks Kindly


Advanced Reefer
Upstate NY
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First let me say that I only have personal experience using the Euro-Reefs and they are very simple to use, pretty low maintenance and very energy efficient.

I've not used an ETSS or seen many in action so I couldn't really offer any opinion there.

I have seen many Beckett types in action and they are very impressive performers. The only complaints seem to be about some models being more "hands-on" with adjustments than say an ER or an ASM which are pretty much plug-n-play.

Not sure if that helps much, but I'll move this to the main discussion (GRD) forum and leave a copy here as well. That way you'll get lots of hits and probably get some feedback from folks who have actually owned both types...



Advanced Reefer
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I too would go with a beckett skimmer, I have tried the euro-reef cs8-3 and my bullet 3 is IME much better. Heres a picture I took when the air intake valve was slightly clogged with salt. It is very easy to clean and maintan.


  • skimmer.jpg
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Advanced Reefer
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FWIW, last time a saw a big ETS in action the person had taken the downdraft tube off and switched it to a beckett skimmer and got much better performance.


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I suppose the follow up question would be the any suggestion on the best or most user friendly Beckett type skimmer?



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I like the becket type skimmers. On a 210 I would use either the MRC MR-3 or MR-4 with dual beckets. I have a MR-2 on my 110 and once I got it tuned I have not had to mess with it.


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Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to give the MR-3 a try unless someone convinces me I am crazy. Seems to have a fair amount of positive feedback.

Thanks for the help. As a newbie I am sure I will be back with numerous other quandries and looking for the collective guidance of the seasoned professionals.


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Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to give the MR-3 a try unless someone convinces me I am crazy. Seems to have a fair amount of positive feedback.

Thanks for the help. As a newbie I am sure I will be back with numerous other quandries and looking for the collective guidance of the seasoned professionals.


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Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to give the MR-3 a try unless someone convinces me I am crazy. Seems to have a fair amount of positive feedback.

Thanks for the help. As a newbie I am sure I will be back with numerous other quandries and looking for the collective guidance of the seasoned professionals.

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