Phosphate removing compounds, be they aluminium or iron based, are silly prices in New Zealand. For example, a 250gram container of Seachem's Phosguard costs about $40USD.
Interestingly the beaches on the west-coast of Auckland commonly have a sand that is coated in iron oxide (the sand is black and it's not a great idea to walk on it bare foot in summer).
The sand is free and available in infinite quantities. You can even buy it in 20Kg sacks for $1USD to save having to go to the beach. Some of the bagged sands claim to be 80% iron oxide (although those ones only come in 1000kg lots 8O).
Does anyone have ideas of why it would not been a good idea to use this iron-sand for phosphate removal?
Interestingly the beaches on the west-coast of Auckland commonly have a sand that is coated in iron oxide (the sand is black and it's not a great idea to walk on it bare foot in summer).
The sand is free and available in infinite quantities. You can even buy it in 20Kg sacks for $1USD to save having to go to the beach. Some of the bagged sands claim to be 80% iron oxide (although those ones only come in 1000kg lots 8O).
Does anyone have ideas of why it would not been a good idea to use this iron-sand for phosphate removal?