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Hi all,

I've recently developed an outbreak of cyano in my 10gal jellyfish tank.

Nothing has been changed and tank parameters are all normal...I know cyano is usually justa a tank 'phase' and some things to help are increase water flow....and herein lies the problem.

This is my jelly tank...got a bunch of upside down jellies in there and higher water flow blows em around. I currently have a RedSea Nanofilter on the system which circulates enuff, but not enough to get rid of the cyano. I can't get critters to help, as they'll hurt the jellies.

Any ideas aside from manually pulling out the slime regularly?


Oh, and I just have standard fluorescents...20k Corallife
Tons of pods, live sand....


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A friend told me maracyn will cure the problem. I had another outbreak about 4 weeks ago. I opted to increase water flow with a big water change. The cyano is mostly gone. I did not try the maracyn. If someone else has tried this please reply.

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