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I have a 1/4 hp Aqualogic Cyclone chiller and just yesterday it started behaving strangely. It will turn on every 15 mins and run for approx 75 sec to 105 sec (I timed it) then turns off. I keep the temp in my tank at 82 deg. Whenever it turns on, the controller reads 83 deg, but it can't be every 15 mins. Nothing has changed in the tank like new lights etc. The tank has been up and running for 9 months with this chiller and no problems so far. BTW I checked and cleaned the coils and the submersible coil does get cold but maybe I am running low on freon or something is wrong with the controller. Any ideas of what to check for please let me know


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it's possible that nothing is wrong -- if the outside temperature where you live is hot right now, then the chiller will come on more frequently because the outside temp is pushing the tank water up quicker... especially because chillers frequently operate in such a narrow tolerance, the difference in how frequently it comes on when the ambient temp is 80 vs. how frequently it comes on when the ambient temp is 90 will be very noticeable.

we've had a heatwave here in seattle for the last few days and my chiller was coming on about every 10 minutes during the 2 days we were in the mid 90s... but today we were back around 80 and it's back to its usual 5-minutes on for every 1/2 hour or so.

not saying you don't have a real problem, only that if it's super hot where you're at right now that could be contributing. if your tank isn't staying the correct temp, then there's probably something wrong.


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Your controller is killing your chiller to cycle it on/off like that. What brand is it? Is it build-in? I only use temperature controller with anti-cycling function for this reason, FWIW.

Check to see if the controller reading changes when it turn the chiller on and off. If the reading is the same temperature, put a bulb or something together with the chiller to see if it is the compressor shutting down (says, due to overheating) or it is the controller cycling it. Good luck.


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When you say put a lightbulb with the chiller can you be a little more specific. The controller is a Ranco controller, but I have access to a brand new one which I am going to swap out today to see if that makes a difference today . I called Aqualogic and they said I possibly have an airflow problem, but like I stated this tank is running for 9 months now and I changed nothing, and yes the coils did need cleaning which I did, but this turning on exactly every 15 mins and only running approx 1.75 mins is very strange

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