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Already looking for a solution from all of the more experienced reefers. I have set up a 210 all glass with one inch bulkheads and one inch flex tube running to a sump in the basement. Using the all glass overflow kits which are essentially Durso Standpipes. They have eliminated the slurping and gurgling sound and all sounds good. The only problem that my wife has identified is the actual draining sound. Sounds like a bathtub is draining continuosly. I think what seems to be happening is the tubes in the overflow box are filling partially and the noise is traveling through the water in the boxes, into the tank and throughout the room. I thought I saw a modification to the durso standpipes where the ell was at the bottom of the overflow tube with a standpipe continuing up. Is anyone aware of such a modification? Any other solution to this sound that anyone is aware of?

Any help would be much appreciated.




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i don't know how long you have been up and running but as far as the swishing sound is concerned it will quiet with time.
i don't know about the mod.


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Have you tried tinkering with the Mega Flows? I had the same problem, but I just adjusted the height of the tubes or something. It's been a while so I don't remember exactly what I did, I just remember that tinkering with it solved it. :mrgreen:


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Thanks for the replies thus far. The tank has just been set up and is in the testing stages. Still haven't put salt water in the tank.

Rover, I tried playing with the tubes. The only thing that seemed too help was slowing down the flow rate a little bit which is raising a different concern. I have calculated that the flow rate through the sump at about 750 gallons an hour.

It is definitely suprising how loud the swisshing sound is. I thought I was in the clear once the waterfall and gurgling were gone, but no such luck.


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Thanks for the replies thus far. The tank has just been set up and is in the testing stages. Still haven't put salt water in the tank.

Rover, I tried playing with the tubes. The only thing that seemed too help was slowing down the flow rate a little bit which is raising a different concern. I have calculated that the flow rate through the sump at about 750 gallons an hour.

It is definitely suprising how loud the swisshing sound is. I thought I was in the clear once the waterfall and gurgling were gone, but no such luck.


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In my drain for my hob overflow, I put one of those round sponge filters. Had the noise. Then I just crammed the hole above the drain with a paper towell to muffle the noise.

I guess you could try that on a durso also. Basically put a sponge or something to block the noise but allow the air to get through.


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I have solved the noise problem. I removed the 3/4 inch return line and used that as a primary drain hole (no durso tube). Of course I had to re-route the returns over the back of the tank as opposed to through the overflow but that was a small price to pay for the quietness that I gained. In the intended 1 inch drain line, I inserted a durso standpipe. I then artificially restricted the flow on the primary 3/4 inch drain line such that the drains lines filled to capacity with water and caused the water level to slowly back up into the overflow box - which usually could be a very risky venture due to possible tank overspill. Once the water in the overflow box reaches the standpipe top, the standpipe takes over as a drain line but only needs to handle a fraction of what it is capable of handling. I assume the system at this point has a built in warning device in that if the primary drain ever gets clogged with something, that ever so unfriendly roar of rushing water will return. Perhaps there is a flaw in my design and I invite you to let me know if I have any unforeseen issues that may creep up, but I think it will work. It sure is quiet though. You can barely tell if the tank is running if your are not looking at the water movement.


Advanced Reefer
Upstate NY
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What you've done is the quietest method I've tried as well. Much quieter than the other methods. With the 1" as overflow protection you shouldn't have any worries. Good job. ;)

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