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I have tried everything to get rid of the yellow water I have, nothing is working, I have tried every brand of carbon, I have used a phosphate sponge, I have used Purigen. I have done water changes. Nothing is working, I have a 130L tank with 2 starfish, a pair of clowns, an anemone and 2 butterfly fish - 3 big pieces of live which dont look very live. I am running an internal filter and an external filter and 2 powerheads.

HELP :evil: 8O :cry:


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So, you have taken some water out and put it in a white bowl or dish and it is actually yellow?

I would mix up a bit of the water you are using for water changes and test it for everything

That is where I would start.


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Are you using any chemicals? A long shot but are you using wood or ph buffers?

I know that in my planted FW tanks the water will turn yellow when using bog wood, liquid furtilizer or peat.

Does the water come out of your sourse yellow? Ie tap water or well water ect.


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How long has your tank been set up?
By any chance are you seeing a diatom bloom (brown dusting) on your sand, glass and rock?

David Mohr

Oceans Ferevh

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How often do you do water changes? I found that after I added a couple sponges to my overflow it helped a lot, plus a good skimmer. You need to wash them out every day though. How much do you feed your fish? It could be a diatom bloom like David said.


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Kill the lights for a few days and see if that helps.

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