It must be just be but in the past few weeks i'v been comming across alot about tangs. I'm not sure why when i'v been looking for info on dwarf angels. Anyway i thought i may give a bit of help to all who are thinking of getting a tang. First off let me start off by saying that i am not an expert and this post should not be taked as gospel and as such should be taken in like everything you read as educational and informative, but opinionated. MOST things that i talk about have been proven true.
Tangs come any many sizes some get to be enormous, but for the most part they stay small enough to be maintaned in the home aquarium. no matter what the size tangs should be kept in medium sized to huge aquariuims (medium size aquariums being 50 gallons to 99 gallons large being 100 gallons to 300 gallons and huge is anything higher that 300 gallons.) Tangs love to swim in and out of caves, up and down the tank walls and if they could i'd bet the would do back flips too.
Tangs spend most of their day looking for algea growing in the tank. They love the green stuff. Befor getting a tank make sure that you are able to keep up with their green diet. they will also nibble at meatty foods but for the most stuff they like algea. Some aquarist feed collerd greens to their tangs in order to sustane their diet and other aquarist grow angea in a refugium for their tang. Tangs will eat hair algea and some aquarist keep them for that reason. In my opinion the best algea to grow for a tang is maden's hair algea.
Tangs are not and i repeat not a good beginner fish. Tangs are copper sensitive and are prone to many alements. among common sickness is head erosion, lateral line disease, skin infections, and parasites. Tangs are reef safe, and a cleaner shrimp will always help out, but it is not a sure thing.
Some of the most common tangs talked about and or seen in the Local Fish Store (LFS):
Yellow Tang
The yellow tang grows to be about 8 inches and should be housed in a 50gal. tank. It is one of the more commonly seen tangs and one of the more hardy tangs.
Sailfin Tang
This tang is another hardy tang that is full of personality. these tangs grow to be about 10 inches and is another good beginner fish. The down side to this fish is that it needs a large tank and me personaly i would not put this fish in a tank that is smaller than 100g.tank
Naso Tang
This tang is another awsome tang wiith many bright colors. The younger fish tend to be a bit more hardy and don't tend to stress out as much. They grow to be about 15 inches and because of it's size i wouldn't house this fish in a tank smaller than a 150g. tank
Hippo Tang (Dori)
This fish is NOT FOR THE BEGINNER! this fish like all other fish needs excellent water quality. This fish grows to be large and i'v seen them grow to be about 10 inches. It's because of this fishe's size that i wouldn't house this fish in a tank smaller than 100g.
Purple Tang
This fish in my opinion is the crown of any reef. Its awsome purple colors are acented with a yellow tail and yellow edged pectoral fins. This fish is extremly disease and parasite prone. and should be reserved for the well seasoned aquerist ( well seasoned meaning covered in salt and peper... jk ... i couldn't resist ) this fish grows to be about 10 inches so i wouldn't house this fish in a tank smaller than100g.
Powderblue Tang
If the purple tang is the crown of any reef the powderblue tang has to be the the King himslef. The powderblue tang is extreamly sensitive to water peramiters and should only be attempted by reef experts. This fish grows to be about 8 to 10 inches and can should be housed in a tank that is about 100 gallons.
Tangs come any many sizes some get to be enormous, but for the most part they stay small enough to be maintaned in the home aquarium. no matter what the size tangs should be kept in medium sized to huge aquariuims (medium size aquariums being 50 gallons to 99 gallons large being 100 gallons to 300 gallons and huge is anything higher that 300 gallons.) Tangs love to swim in and out of caves, up and down the tank walls and if they could i'd bet the would do back flips too.
Tangs spend most of their day looking for algea growing in the tank. They love the green stuff. Befor getting a tank make sure that you are able to keep up with their green diet. they will also nibble at meatty foods but for the most stuff they like algea. Some aquarist feed collerd greens to their tangs in order to sustane their diet and other aquarist grow angea in a refugium for their tang. Tangs will eat hair algea and some aquarist keep them for that reason. In my opinion the best algea to grow for a tang is maden's hair algea.
Tangs are not and i repeat not a good beginner fish. Tangs are copper sensitive and are prone to many alements. among common sickness is head erosion, lateral line disease, skin infections, and parasites. Tangs are reef safe, and a cleaner shrimp will always help out, but it is not a sure thing.
Some of the most common tangs talked about and or seen in the Local Fish Store (LFS):
Yellow Tang
The yellow tang grows to be about 8 inches and should be housed in a 50gal. tank. It is one of the more commonly seen tangs and one of the more hardy tangs.
Sailfin Tang
This tang is another hardy tang that is full of personality. these tangs grow to be about 10 inches and is another good beginner fish. The down side to this fish is that it needs a large tank and me personaly i would not put this fish in a tank that is smaller than 100g.tank
Naso Tang
This tang is another awsome tang wiith many bright colors. The younger fish tend to be a bit more hardy and don't tend to stress out as much. They grow to be about 15 inches and because of it's size i wouldn't house this fish in a tank smaller than a 150g. tank
Hippo Tang (Dori)
This fish is NOT FOR THE BEGINNER! this fish like all other fish needs excellent water quality. This fish grows to be large and i'v seen them grow to be about 10 inches. It's because of this fishe's size that i wouldn't house this fish in a tank smaller than 100g.
Purple Tang
This fish in my opinion is the crown of any reef. Its awsome purple colors are acented with a yellow tail and yellow edged pectoral fins. This fish is extremly disease and parasite prone. and should be reserved for the well seasoned aquerist ( well seasoned meaning covered in salt and peper... jk ... i couldn't resist ) this fish grows to be about 10 inches so i wouldn't house this fish in a tank smaller than100g.
Powderblue Tang
If the purple tang is the crown of any reef the powderblue tang has to be the the King himslef. The powderblue tang is extreamly sensitive to water peramiters and should only be attempted by reef experts. This fish grows to be about 8 to 10 inches and can should be housed in a tank that is about 100 gallons.