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Hello all.

I am just starting to rebuild my 55g reef from a major melt down that occured about a year ago.

All is going well now but I am a little smarter now and am seriously wondering if it is worth the investment to change out my Bak-Pak 2 with a Remora-Pro. I'v never really thought the CPR is doing a good job but is the remora going to perform that much better? they both look similar and my CPR is running on a MJ1200 and I have added an airstone on a pump to add extra bubbles. I don't have a sump nor can i add one so HOB is about my only option.

As for the melt down part, yes the reason was resolved. My new girlfriend doesn't think pouring a 5th of Jack Daniels into a fully stocked reef is a cool way to see what fish are like when they are drunk. Long story, best left at that.

Note to BEASLBOB, if you read my post...that was one instance that I can 100% guarantee you that Macro Algea DID NOT FIX.
If you want to dispute my claim, I encourage you to run your own test at anytime... :lol:

(Please don't take that the wrong way Beaslbob, I just know from about all of your posts, you are an avid believer in Macro. Not trying to diss ya buddy) :)



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I would definetly look at a stronger skimmer than the Bakpak. I have heard the Remora's are good but I have not had one.

Didn't she know that Vodka is better for the fish - its clear.............. JK :D
economic recession in us


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Both are good skimmers, but I would give the edge to the Remora...although with an extra airstone in the CPR, I'm not sure you would benefit much by replacing the CPR with a Remora.

Are you clear now where I stand? :P

Dude, ditch the girlfriend if she can't behave...that's awful what she did! Imho, of course. :D


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Remora Pros rule!!!!!!

I've been using them for 4 years, no problems. Make sure to get the mag drive option, and the drain option.

It should work great for a 55.


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Thanks for the replies.

I had an idea I want to bring up.

What if I run both skimmers at the same time?

I keep the CPR and add the remora!

I don't have a sump so HOB is all I can go with.

If I do this, should I go with the mag 3 version or drop down because of having the CPR skimmer going also?

My Bak-Pak-2 is running a MJ 1200 and no pre skimmer so it seems adding a pre skimmer to the remora would also be a good idea...yes? no?

Am I nuts or will this work?



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I would use the remora pro with the Mag and the overflow box. If you do use the overflow keep a close eye on the water level because the pump can run dry.

I don't see why you couldn't use both skimmers. I don't overskim my tanks, but some do. Your choice.

Jeff CC

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I have used the Bakpak w/Rio 800rvt and the Remora w/maxi-jet 1200, and the Bakpak has outperformed the Remora. I know this is the opposite of what most say, but there are a few others that have been equally unimpressed with the Remora. If you do run both at the same time, please let us know which skimmer performs the best.

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