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Andy H.":3afhq4g7 said:
DLART89":3afhq4g7 said:
I had a V. Lion live almost 4 yrs before choking to death on a catfish!

My first one choked, years ago, on a squirel fish. I agree with Jim, once eating they are hardy.

Strangely enough, I also lost mine to choking. He was so used to being fed by me using a net (that's how I got him off live foods and onto frozen foods, I used the sight of the net to get him to feed) that he actually leapt up out of the water one day and caught the net before I inverted the food into the tank, got it caught in his gills and choked :(


My fuzzy lion choked to death too. I will try another and use smaller pieces of fish.


Advanced Reefer
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I love lionfish, but I understand if you are allergic to bees, it's unwise to keep lionfish because you are also likely allergic to lionfish venom.

Hardiest fish, in fw my black skirt tetras. I can't kill them, and I've tried.

For saltwater, honestly, a. ocellaris. They have survived the tank being moved, the addition of a yellow tang that terrorized them for about a week, then decided that chasing them into the colt was a bad idea, and my neglecting to maintain the tank when my grandfather passed away last year.


Jeff CC

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I. too lost a Lionfish to choking...notice a trend here. The longest-lived fish I have had was A Jack Dempsey that died last year at 14 yrs. of age.


Experienced Reefer
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Ive had my coral beauty angel for over a year now, and it has been thru multiple ich outbreaks,and a maroon clown who tore the crap out of him on a daily basis. Still kicking and today looks very healthy and colorful


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For a reef, Purple pseudochromis. The meanest of all my fish. Eats like crazy. Extremely nasty, or territorial. 'Goes after my Goby and Blenny like nobody's business. It's pretty... but I don't think I would add another if I were to start again.


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