Reefland wrote:
Great size tank! So what is the big plan for it? lighting? pumps? etc
I think the 30 width is what has me most excited. I plan to have two seperate reef stuctures. One on each side. I am going to put my T. Gigas in the center and hope he grows large enough to make me wonder when I should consider getting rid of him, lol.
The tank will house only SPS corals except the two LPS corals that I currently have in my 75G (a tongue and a frogspawn).
I'm not going to pile anything against the back glass.
The tank will probably look understocked until the SPS have a few years to grow in.
The lighting will be 4 -400W MH's housed in Lumenarc III reflectors. I bought the reflectors with the AC kit and I will run insulated duct in between each fixture then take it out of the house though a dryer vent in the side wall. I have a 100 CFM duct fan to blow the air though.
The circulation will start with two Iwaki 100's. There are overflows on each end. Each Iwaki will feed 3-4 eductors or penductors on each side. I'll put the eductors/penductors and varying heights facing different directions. I plan to have that stack of plumbing hiden behind the overflows.
I also have two Tunze Streams 6200's with the multicontrollers. I'll put on of them on each end of the tank hiding on the opposite side of the overflow as the eductor/penductors risers.
I am also going to go with bare bottom covered in Starboard. I am going to glue sand to the board like Comatose did in his tank. There is a thread around here somewhere describing that.
The skimmer and CA reactors are both DIY deals that I did in the MACO courses taught by Brian Ferguson. Both were built with this tank in mind.
I am going to turn my 33G Brute into a huge kalk reactor similar to what Nathan describled in Jolieve's CA/KA reactor thread.
Damn, I got alot of work to do.