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Louey":b0r83x3l said:
They charge you shipping even though you pick it up? geeeze.. that's about as lame as the destination charge for cars when the car is already at the place you're going to buy it

Of course they charge you. They are in Tennessee, I am in south Florida. They brought my tank to within a 3 hour drive. They are only there because enough people are meeting there to make it worthwhile for everyone.

Ahhhh gotcha, thought it was like a trade show where they just bring their goods and you buy what's available there.


Here are a few closeup pictures now that I have the tank unwrapped and cleaned up a bit.

The overflow covers are taken out in these pictures.



  • close ups of tank 001.jpg
    close ups of tank 001.jpg
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  • close ups of tank 002.jpg
    close ups of tank 002.jpg
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  • close ups of tank 003.jpg
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And a few more...


  • close ups of tank 004.jpg
    close ups of tank 004.jpg
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  • close ups of tank 005.jpg
    close ups of tank 005.jpg
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  • close ups of tank 008.jpg
    close ups of tank 008.jpg
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That is SO ******* COOL!

You lucky dog :) :P Yer sump is the size of my biggest tank :P


Hehe. That sump is twice as big as my current reef too. :D

Not looking forward to the power bill though.



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thought my 180g was big, that thing dwarfs my tank. I should have done a custom........ !

I like the sump drain idea... I need to adapt an idear for my setup......

keep us posted....[/i]


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LA Lawman wrote:


thought my 180g was big, that thing dwarfs my tank. I should have done a custom........ !

I like the sump drain idea... I need to adapt an idear for my setup......

I hope the sump idea pans out as I have envisioned. There is something inherently disturbing about having 3 holes in the bottom of a 150G tank. I think I'll use a few extra wraps of teflon tape on those fittings, lol.



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Upstate NY
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Louey":aba9ge6h said:
I think I'll use a few extra wraps of teflon tape on those fittings, lol.

I know you're just joking, but just in case someone reading this doesn't realize...

...with teflon tape more is not actually better. Too much can actually increase the chances for a leak.

Check out this link for recommended installation procedure:


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ChrisRD wrote:

Louey wrote:
I think I'll use a few extra wraps of teflon tape on those fittings, lol.

I know you're just joking, but just in case someone reading this doesn't realize...

...with teflon tape more is not actually better. Too much can actually increase the chances for a leak.

Check out this link for recommended installation procedure:
http://www.spearsmfg.com/how_to/FG-3B-0 ... nglish.pdf

Yes, I was just joking. I actually did a web seach for proper wrapping and found an article very similar to the one you posted.



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Reefland wrote:

Great size tank! So what is the big plan for it? lighting? pumps? etc

I think the 30 width is what has me most excited. I plan to have two seperate reef stuctures. One on each side. I am going to put my T. Gigas in the center and hope he grows large enough to make me wonder when I should consider getting rid of him, lol.

The tank will house only SPS corals except the two LPS corals that I currently have in my 75G (a tongue and a frogspawn).

I'm not going to pile anything against the back glass.

The tank will probably look understocked until the SPS have a few years to grow in.

The lighting will be 4 -400W MH's housed in Lumenarc III reflectors. I bought the reflectors with the AC kit and I will run insulated duct in between each fixture then take it out of the house though a dryer vent in the side wall. I have a 100 CFM duct fan to blow the air though.

The circulation will start with two Iwaki 100's. There are overflows on each end. Each Iwaki will feed 3-4 eductors or penductors on each side. I'll put the eductors/penductors and varying heights facing different directions. I plan to have that stack of plumbing hiden behind the overflows.

I also have two Tunze Streams 6200's with the multicontrollers. I'll put on of them on each end of the tank hiding on the opposite side of the overflow as the eductor/penductors risers.

I am also going to go with bare bottom covered in Starboard. I am going to glue sand to the board like Comatose did in his tank. There is a thread around here somewhere describing that.

The skimmer and CA reactors are both DIY deals that I did in the MACO courses taught by Brian Ferguson. Both were built with this tank in mind.

I am going to turn my 33G Brute into a huge kalk reactor similar to what Nathan describled in Jolieve's CA/KA reactor thread. :D

Damn, I got alot of work to do.



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The sump is now set in place.

The sump is clearly too large (tall anyways). I did not take the 2X4 bracing into account when I decided on this size sump. I wanted 6" clear above the sump, but in some areas I only have 2. When we first set the sump in place, I thought that it wouldn't work at all. So far, I have overcome all of the obstacles assocaiated with the size of the sump. It will work. It so highly customized and large that it's worthless to anyone other than me. I'm am going to hook it up and if it proves to be a PITA down the road I am going to take pleasure in taking into my backyard and pumping it full of buckshot. 8O

Hopefully, the benefits of the extra capacity will outway any contraints that the lack of access create. I'm not really planning on putting anything in the sump except for a couple of float switches and probe. They shouldn't be much of a problem to deal with.

Here's a couple of pics of the sump in place.



  • Sump in place 001.jpg
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  • Sump in place 002.jpg
    Sump in place 002.jpg
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That sucks like that, I have been stuck with my sump close under my tank and I can't get in there to clean and such and it really sucks

it really sucks

Can't you set the sump in toward the fish room slightly? You would loose some fishroom footprint, but you would have 3 and a half more inches of height right?

Can't you just move it toward the fishroom about 2 inches? That should clear the bracing in the front of the tank and I see no bracing toward the back. Then you can sit it on some foam on the tile floor.


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I can't move it back due to all of the bulkheads on each side of the sump. The 4x4 post won't fit in between them.

The only way to move it is to move it completely out of the stand. That would take up way too much fish room.

With 4000 GPH moving though this thing, and draining everything out of the sump out the bottom every time I do a WC, I think I might can live with it. Not too much should ever settle in it.



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2 questions...

1) What is low iron glass and why should I ask for it when (if) I order a large custom tank?

2) Why no sand bed? I would LOVE the bio-deversity you could have in a tank that size with a 3-6 inch sand bed, and I would think it would leave you with a more stable self sustaining system in the long run. What am I missing?


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