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Robwsup":41k3esm7 said:
I had customer taking down a tank bring me this clownfish. As far as I can tell, it is a false perc with no body stripes at all. Has anyone seen one like this?


Let's contrast this by showing what a normal Percula clown can look like. That naked clown photo almost looks Photoshopped. It could be the product of inbreeding or a hybrid. I hope to God ORA is not seriously considering something like this for breeding stock.
Rob why do you think it is false percula? Actually false percula might be appropriate but I think you meant A. ocellaris.


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Looks like a Goby to me but I can say that I did see an Ocellaris with no bars that was colored just like this fish. I saw him at Dallas North Aquarium, an LFS in Dallas of course, they have him in one of their display tanks. If anyone from Dallas is reading this, you should go and check him out. He is paired with a normal Ocellaris female.


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I believe it is a false perc (A. ocellaris) just dueto body shape and behavior. He swims like a clown, and not like a clown goby. He never perches, which IME clown gobies do most of the time. Also, the fish has scales. I believe the clown gobies are scaleless.

That, and the folks at ORA said it was a clown, and they seem pretty knowledgeable about clownfish. :)


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Robwsup":2nh5ja87 said:
I believe it is a false perc (A. ocellaris) just dueto body shape and behavior. He swims like a clown, and not like a clown goby.

Let's pin this down a little. What difference in body shape and behavior from a A. percula are you talking about. I'm not the one suggesting this might be a goby although I do see the resemblance. If it looks enough like a goby to fool all these people I'm saying it shouldn't be used for breeding purposes. BTW I'm not opposed to aberrant color morphs, my brother has red hair :wink:.


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Just the fact that he never stops swimming makes me discount that he is a goby. What goby, besides bar or scissortail types, looks like this but does not perch?

Not that I'm a marine biologist or anything, but I do own a LFS and have seen 100's of gobies and probably 1000 clownfish. I've never seen anything like this guy.


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ever thought this fish could be a fake?
looks like a nice PS work ...


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It's possible, but I wouldn't be surprised if more of these 'naked' clownfish pop up. There seems to be an alarming number of tank-raised clownfish with deformities like mishaped heads, missing stripes, missing jaws, or mouths that can't close, etc.

Thanks guys! I guess I'm not retarded after all. :wink:


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Looks like a Goby to me.... just kidding. Clown fish! :)



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Robwsup":3uyownhi said:
Try this link. I think I did it right.
Boy, you are good. Less than 20 minutes to edit video of a clownfish to remove the stripes... and it looks flawless! Best fake ever!



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Robwsup":44i7b3t8 said:
Antoine LM":44i7b3t8 said:
ever thought this fish could be a fake?
looks like a nice PS work ...

Your killing me. Give me a few minutes. I'll see if I can get a video.

nice video!

i have seen in the past people coming up with "fake fishes" ... one can do amazing stuff with PS!
still, the fish looks skinny but i am sure you are going to take care of it the right way!

did not mean to "kill you" :P




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Oh yeah, he's skinny, and not as orange as he should be. I bet he has been eating out of the same can of flakes for the last year.

We feed bunches of frozen food, and our pellets are a mix of kent, ocean nutrition, ocean's blend, NL Spectrum, etc.


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This Grey Stripe is the most interesting Morph I've grown out so far. I've had others that didn't survive though.

The "Orangepeel" is really good looking in my opinion.


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