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I generally do not order online, but in this case I got tempted with the "free shipping"( we all know its not really free, but humans are easy suckers)

Anyhoo...fish and cleanups, bill came to 191. with tax....

Good enuff.

Package comes.. the foxface is very unhappy.... I still acclaimatize all of the creatures and 4-5 hrs later they are all in the tank.. lights off.... foxface barely able to stay afloat... I figured its in shock will recover... unfortunately it doesnt.

I try communicating with the co. They dont have a phone number, only email.. and they simply dont bother to answer for days. I take out the remains of the fish and put ithem n a bag to mail back to get a creadit for the fish. (yes their policy if to physically mail the remains of the fish in mail!!) Of course my post offices refuses to carry dead anaimals.

I sent these guys so many emails... telling them all this .. every 3rd email after days they reply with the standard u must comply with the return policy.

At any rate, a few days later, i lost a condy, and a urchin. Needless to say Im not going to bother sending any animals back to this co. And im not planning to shop from them, or any other online retailer.

Other than theh fact, that your are killing creatures, the $ math of "savings online" doesnt add up. I ended up paying 191 for about 150 worth of fish. And in reality I paid for 30-40 bucks in shipping whether it was included in the price of the fish or seperate.

End result seems like a lose-lose.

Better to find a good LFS and buy one piece at a time, pay the retail premium, and one will have a better ratio of sucess, AND it will end up costing the same. Not to mention the aggravation saved.



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I did not have great success with SWF.com either. Emerald crabs came in dead, half of the scarlet crabs were dead, etc. same deal with returning, I didnt feel like doing it anyway.

I would rather pay more money and get at LFS and deal with an owner who wants repeat business who will take care of me, and see the specimens live.


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well i can't say anything about swf.com, but i bought a lawnmower blenny, a convict blenny, and a crew of snails and hermit crabs from thatfishplace.com, haven't seen either fish, one of the six hermits survived, and all of the snails. great deal as well. 52 beans delivered. but the two fish, who looked GRREAT!! when they arrived, went into the tank and never came back.... the other fish/livestock in the tank never suffered, so i dunno... bad fish, or bad luck? either way, nothing i ever got in my hands from my LFS ever dissapeared on me...

died on me, but never dissapeared...

thanks for the harry link. hadn't seen it yet!


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dadstank. What were your acclimatization methods. Also, was there anything that could have chased the fish to their death.

I swear my Green Chromis just killed each other... I lost one a night for 5 nights... I'm alternating between blaming the reseller and worrying that I have something nasty in my tank killing them off... but then there is ONE who I call highlander and he's still with me months later. I think Chromis hate each other or they need a larger school than 6.


p.s. do I pronounce your "handle" Dad's tank or dad stank? :)


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stubbsz":l3mcwvg0 said:
I swear my Green Chromis just killed each other... I lost one a night for 5 nights... I'm alternating between blaming the reseller and worrying that I have something nasty in my tank killing them off... but then there is ONE who I call highlander and he's still with me months later. I think Chromis hate each other or they need a larger school than 6.

I had the same experience. Started with about 5, and then one killed all the others one at a time, I think he terrorized them to death. I ended up with one lone chromis that was with me for years.

Stupid chromis.


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well, that is an absolute possiblilty, and one not ruled out. I have a pseudo (? spelled right) that could be the enemy... but i doubt it. he is much smaller than the others.

i also have a convict blenny who is about eight inches long in the tank already. but he is old and stays within his cave only. if the new guys were dumb enough to go it... well, it's enought to say, screw em'. shouldda known better!

however none the less. can't blame ourselves now can we!! :twisted:

--don't be mad. i am just joking. the acc. process was actually long, dripping for about three or four hours and lights off for a full twenty four hours... i don't know what happened to them. i can tell you the hermits that came are still in the same place they were all laid intially, and still undisturbed......

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