there are a lot of "refugium lighting" strategies out there. for example:
1. Lighting 24/7
2. Lighting on when tank lights are off
Method one supposedly prevents the caulerpa algae from spawning or "going sexual" as some call it. When algae spawns, it tends to muck up the water, so it is desireable to prevent this.
Method 2 makes the most sense because it tends to help stabilize pH. It does this by reducing the pH drop after main tank "lights out" because it tends to utilize the CO2 being off-gases by the display, and produces O2 as a product of photosynthesis. This method also helps with temp control as mentioned earlier.
I use a hybrid of the two. If it is a new system/refugium, I would run it 24/7 for about a month until it is growing well, then switch over to counter-lighti9ng, i.e. on when the main tank is off, and vice versa.