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I understand I can put this algae right into my sump with a light over it and I will help lower nitrates? Is this correct and will it get so out of control that it will get in the way of the pump. My sump area is not to huge?

Rob Top

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Chaeto can grow quite well. I had a small piece on some live rock and with in 6 months it was 24" tall and about 12" wide. It is very messy dropping leaves regularly, and it does not respond well to excessive pruning. It also sucks up Ca quite a bit. That aside it will lower nitrates, water changes will too, and in the long run are better for your system


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Chaeto is basically a ball of wiry hair looking stuff.

But chaeto is a plant, it will consume/absorb nutrients, I wouldn't call on it to lower nitrates significantly though.


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short answer--- Yes.

A properly constructed refugium will HELP to lower nitrates. The key IMO, would be a healthy Chaeto ball, maybe some other macro like Gracelaria, a good deep sandbed or mud, good LR, and a good cleaning crew full of sand creatures, like ceriths, Nass, sand sifting stars etc... Note- that a sandbed should be a large area, not just deep. Your refugium should be well lighted with something in the range of 6700K to promote good growth of the macro's.


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Ok so just putting chaeto algae in the sump with a light will not accomplish anything?

My tank is only 58 gallons. How big of a refugium would I need? My space is limited.


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Yes, It will help, but not as much as if you set up a dedicated refugium. Every little bit will help!
I would say a 20L tank with a refugium in the middle would be ok.


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The ball of chaeto in the lower left corner broke off the mother ball and has grown nicely right where it's at. The orginal handful is now about 2 handfulls. I think any macro (except callurpa) will help. And anything is better than nothing.


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Rob Top":1bgmntuq said:
Yeah, I'm sleepy and should go crash. I was thinking money plant, hema..something...
OPPS :oops:

Halimeda sp. :wink:


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Ha... that little tank has been a major handful!!!! If you think that one's nice you should Guy's and Unleashed. Diana's isn't too shabby either.

That tank has maybe 9 different macros growing in it, not counting the hair algea. None of it stoped a major algea bloom due to equipment failure, but I truely feel that those macros saved the tank from crashing while I was on vaction (the skimmer died and the closed loop wasn't closed!). When the nano build off was set up, I don't think anyone realized just how much of a learning experience it would be. I'm glad I entered.

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