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Need some help from the fine people here.

I'm trying to combat the oil slick on the top of my water. I have an overflow intake where the surface water should be pulled in and filtered, but it doesn't seem to be doing the job.

Likewise, I have a Saline Solutions 40 hang-on skimmer, with the powerhead located about an inch under the water surface, but that isn't sucking it up either. I'm tempted to position the powerhead closer to the surface, but I hear its bad for the inards of the powerhead if it sucks in air, which would be the case once water evaporates and exposes it.

Does anyone have any suggestions or best practices for keeping this vile scum away? And what exactly is this stuff.. I'm assuming it is something I should eliminate...?


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That scum or slick is what you want to skim. How is it you have a overflow and a hang on skimmer? Is the hang on skimmer on your sump? Is your over flow a corner overflow?



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either... direct a powerhead to agitate the surface to break up the muk....

or take a paper towel and drop it flat on the surface, as soon as it is soaked pull it out... taa daaa!... that's how they did it in the old days!

how much flow are you moving thru the overflow... maybe you need to push some more water thru that bad boy....

take some pics... we are all photo memory people here!!!! and we like pics too! :D :D


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IMO you don't want to agitate the scum that'll just put it back into the water. I'd direct it so it goes over the over flow or how ever your skimmer is hooked up. Skim that scum.



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normally i agree, but if his skimmer is grabbing water from the column rather than the top... the only way to collect in the protien skimmer is to agitate....

I think his flow is a little too slow and the stuff is just holding on..... a pic of the set-up will help alot...


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What pump are you using to pump water into the Saline Solutions skimmer? And what overflow intake are you using? The AquaC overflow boxes for their hang-on skimmers work well.

Oceans Ferevh

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Not really. I have a AquaC overflow box and I'm having trouble with scum on the water too. The water just flows under the scum into the box :? At this point I'm just about ready to try a powerhead aimed at the suface.


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Strange. It worked fine when I had my AquaC. A similiar overflow box also worked fine on my Bakpak.

Oceans Ferevh

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What's your secret? I'm thinking that if I block off the back part of the overflow it will force quicker flow through the front and push the scum in. What do you think?


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I didn't do any mods to the box, but that's worth a shot. I think it has more to do with how high or low you fix the box. I recall my box was hard to adjust to stay where I wanted it to (for a while, I used a rock to prop it up), but I hear they have a new design (?).


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Thanks for all the replies.

I'm already aiming my main powerhead at the surface to stir up the slick, but it just keeps it clear where it points. Must be some thick slime up there.

I like the idea about reducing the surface area of the overflow intake. I agree, the column water probably rushes through creating a counter-current pressure spinning the muck away. But reducing the area beneath the surface might help.

Can't post a pic, unfortunately my digi-cam is on the fritz. I really should get that fixed.

Here's some more details on my setup though...

I have a 24g nano-cube DX. Yes, I know some of the veterans will probably shudder upon hearing that.

Forgive my terminology in the following... My tank has a built-in back section that is divided into three compartments. The first, is where the overflow is. The third, on the other side, is where the powerhead is that has a 300 GPH powerhead pulling the water through all the sections. In the middle, is another compartment where I've put some LR, the foam for catching heavy particulates, and where I place my carbon.

The skimmer, which hangs on the side, uses a 115 GPH powerhead.

Also worth noting, my skimmer isn't pulling any dark goo whatsoever. It use to foam up in the cup, though white foam mostly, but now it just gets condensation. I have a fair bit of life in the tank, so something is askew. Ironically, I've been told by a few people who own the same model that they are very pleased with theirs. Is this a sign that my powerhead is not powerful enough? Or should I just be looking for a new skimmer?


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Just my opinion but I think you need to clean your skimmer. I have a 100 gallon and my skimmer goes through phases like yours and then I give it a good cleaning and the foam comes pouring out again.

Just my 2 cents though

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