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Looking for comments on starting a new system. I'm considering purchasing a 75 gal that is predrilled with a internal skimmer.

It's been almost twenty years since I last kept a successful marine aquarium and EVERYTHING has changed!!!

I've been reading everything I can get my hands on and find on the net. I plan on starting with fish only with live rock, sump, heater and standard light fixture and then upgrading the lighting to halides in six to eight months.

I'm going with the 75 gal as I live in an apartment and it probably the largest I can reasonably get up an in.

I do however, want to purchase quality equipment. There are so many manufacturers claiming that their equipment is the best and would appreciate suggestions from experienced hobbyist.

I suspect that if I go 75 gal, I should be looking at equipment that is capable of handling tanks in the 100 - 125 range?

Cost is not necessarily an issue, I simply want to start with the best.

All comments are appreciated - TRC


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I would buy with the end in mind (why buy lighting twice) it will save you money in the long run.

I'm a big fan of sumps and hidding everything in them.

Get the biggest, best skimmer you can fit in the sump (I like euroreef) because water quality is one of the most important issue raising corals, lighting would be second imo. Opinions differ but I don't think you can over-skim a tank.

Had I to do it over again I'd drill my tank for a closed loop.

Go slow, take your time (easier said than done) read read read, ask questions, join a local reef club and unindate them with questions (they won't mind)


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Thanks for the reply. I mispoke in that the tank will only be predrilled with the overflows. I was considering Euro-reef for a skimmer but it didn't seem to have an auxillary overflow and unfortunately I plan on traveling out of country during the next two months and could be gone for 2 weeks at a time.

I'll have someone monitoring the tank but I'm not sure if they're capable of emptying the skimmer.

Any idea's on sump manufacturers?


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TRC - I have the Euroreef - it is very easy to empty the skimmer cup on the skimmer. I few turns and dump the cup, wipe it down and back on.

If you must have a skimmer with an external overflow - look into the Precision Marine Bullet Skimmers - They have a good rep.

75 is a nice tank.

Keep asking questions and I agree to take it slow.

Take a look at this thread as well - http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=77503
BMW R1200C


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ThanksRob. The store I'm getting my tank from can drill for closed loops and I'm thinking of to get two drilled high in the tank and two low so that I can, in time, try to get some wave action.

I know that the amount of material the skimmer will skim from the tank depends on the quality of the water. How long do you think you could run yours without emptying? Does the skimmer have an automatic shut off so it doesn't spill and as far as you know are these available?

Thanks, TRC


Experienced Reefer
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I recently bought a Deltec skimmer, very nice product.
It and as manyskimmers have a drain on the skimmer cup that can drain into a bucket sink or what ever. I could leave it a while with out touching the cup but I do clean it every few days for the best skimming. If you want they offer a self cleaning skimmer cup, check it out.



Advanced Reefer
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Euro-Reef are quality products and work well.

I got a damaged one for a discounted price from the company, because the skimmer collection cup had a small divit in a seal. Did not affect its performance at all, but they care so much about there quality.


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skimmers boil down to 2 main choices on the top of the line models

aspirating vs becket

there's tons of both now, personally I prefer becket, because I use external skimmers. The benfits to becket are, they are not subject to performance changes based on water level in the sump when used external. They also shut down if the collection chamber is full, they use a floating pingpong ball that shuts down the exaust air, which shuts down the skimmer, very handy

drawbacks to the becket, bubble size can be erratic, keep the becket nozzle clean, and they require a good sized presure pump to run, the aspirating use smaller more efficent pumps

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