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I have a Coral banded shrimp that was doing fine since I got him about 5 days ago. But over the last two days it has become sluggish and unresponsive. Further more I have had trouble controlling the ph of my 47gal. tank. During the day corals are expanded and things look fine, but during the night cycle everything shrinks up. Does any one have advice?


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The expanding and collapsing tissue of corals is natural. But to keep pH more steady, make sure your tank has ample circulation (particularly at the surface at the water) and and fresh air around it. The reason why pH dips at night is because respiration is proportionally greater then photosynthesis compared to daytime levels. When there's more CO2 in the tank, pH will dip.

It's hard to diagnose what is happening to your CBS :(


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yeah, my cleaner shrimp gets very sluggy before a molt. I'd give it a few more days and keep your eyes open for a second, yet hollow shell of your banded shrimp.


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I had a bandid once... it lost some limbs... then antenna... I thought it was the water conditions. Then once night I caught the cleaner shrimps ganging up on it... eventually it starved to death with only a few limb after being constantly under attack from the cleaner shrimps. :0

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