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I have this brown stuff covering my sand and glass. Is it algae and it is from keeping the lights on too much and how do I stop it.


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New tank? It's probably diatoms algae, almost standard for new tanks. Skim like crazy, if you don't have anything that needs lights, turn them off, or at least reduce the photo period, and use RO Water. "Silicates" and lighting are the underlining issue here.



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Ditto on wings,

I got into the habit of running my MH setup 16 hours a day last summer and grew the nices green hair algae money could buy! :lol:
To help fuel the fire I went one month with using tap water to tap off because my ro/di was out of service. That was a kick!


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chunchma":2vpy5oil said:
I have this brown stuff covering my sand and glass. Is it algae and it is from keeping the lights on too much and how do I stop it.

what do you have in your tank? The algae book by julian sprung reccomends that you reduce feeding and tough thru it. skim like crazy and do no water changes until the bloom is on its way out. then do your water change. this will prevent fueling another bloom.

I have done it this way for years and it works for me. I also reduce the photo period by a few hours... then when it is gone it is gone....


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