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i have only had theses for a few months they were giving to me by some one but tonight i noted one of the crabs was next to another and was grapping the shell and moving the front to him and then he was stuffing his pincher down there please tell me what it weas doing was it trying to kill it and so we seporated them and then it went on top of a nother one and did almost the same thing please help me


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Sorry to hear that but you're probably going to have to tell us more about what's going on because we don't know what types of crabs you have and whether or not they're the same kind of crabs or different kinds of crabs but if it looks like one if trying to kill the other then that's probably what is happening if you can keep them isolated from one another until you get this figured out it might be best for the lives of the crabs invovled hope this helps


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If they where hermits. ya they where fighting. Mine do it every once and a while. I have 2. it goes on for a while then they stop for a while and then they do it again....

Rob Top

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Nice way to welcome to Reefs.org

Best way to help stop this is to put several empty shells in the tank. Crabs become agressive like this for 1 of 2 reasons. Territory or needing a new shell. With several empty shells of assorted sizes the need for stealing a larger shell goes away. As far as territory disputes that is a bit harder to solve, depending on the tank size you might beable to create several areas the crab may like and thus minimize the need to fight over 1.


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Jandree22":25fym1vq said:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No seriously, do you have empty shells for your hermits to change into? If there are no extra shells, they will fight amongst one another to aquire shells. Make sure that you have extra shells in plenty of sizes. Hermit crabs change shells like we change shoes sometimes. Oh, and welcome to reefs.org!


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yes and no... they will kill each other for the shells. they will only eat one another of they are dead already... a result from needing larger shells...... you need to put more empty shells in yor tank so when the crabs grow they can move into a bigger house.


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I wouldnt worry about it too much. How many crabs do you have? And what size is your tank? I Put six in my 30 gallon and a few were killed by others in the night right after I put them in. None have died lately. no matter how much we try. Even in our fish tanks. Its still survival of the fittest. Its a mini ecosystem. It shoud balance out.


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and a 10 or 15 gallon tank

Hi apple, and WELCOME!

Your going to have to take a better inventory of your equipment,and live stock if you want better results to your posts.
Please dont take offense. Its not ment that way at all.
Tank size,and exact specifications are critial to proper advice given.


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Jandree22":3f86eoik said:


Hey Jandree22, sentence is with a "C" not an "S" by the way, if you're gonna b*tch about run-ons, I can b*tch about mis-spellings! Right wings? :D


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fyrefysh":3tc08de4 said:
Jandree22":3tc08de4 said:


Hey Jandree22, sentence is with a "C" not an "S" by the way, if you're gonna b*tch about run-ons, I can b*tch about mis-spellings! Right wings? :D

I gess scho.

BOT: Crabs / hermit crabs tend to fight for new homes, etc. It's their nature. When I was in Cozumel, we traveled to the East side of the island that faces the Caribbean. There, we saw the mini blue-legged crabs fighting for new homes, *exactly* how they fought in my tank at home...so it's not the size, or the environment of a tank...it's just how they are. :P

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