can any one tell me their experience with purple tangs? How aggressive are they towards other fish in peaceful reef tank? Are they safe with shrimps and other inverts?
I had one and he was very agressive towards all other fish. He never killed any of them, but he sure made sure all of the other fish new that the tank was his and they were his guests.
I've finally found a fish (sixline) that's been able to survive two weeks with my PT. My previous 5 attempts at finding him a tankmate ended in bloodshed.
Never had trouble with shrimp and inverts but I did catch him eating a blue hermit crab when it tried to switch shells.
i have one now. i placed him into the tank last and he really doesn't seem to bother anybody. . . though he and the diamond goby like to tumble on occassion which i find very odd as they do not compete for a food source. . . gorgeous fish though! i have lots of invertebrates and he really doesn't seem to bother any of them either.
Purple tangs cost a bit more but they are beautiful, less prone to dreaded ICH (my experience), not any more aggressive than a Yellow Tang (maybe less). They do tend to swim non-stop and will kinda make everybody get out of their way and bow to them. But they're not overly aggressive and won't chase anybody. But you might have something else in there that won't back down to the Tang. They need a lot of room and places to swim. Try to get a small one if you can.. this might help.
I always put stuff like this in after other fish were in there for weeks and months too. But over time they might become more aggressive after they start to feel more cocky and confident. :twisted:
I have 3 surgeons in my 300 gallon. Powder Brown is the alpha, the Purple is next and the regal is at the bottom though the regal has been with me for almost 5 years. Purples are very feisty in my experience so might consider it the last fish in the tank to avoid problems.