Not sure why it is that RC, and now also fishheads have both banned/removed me from thier sites, I was accused of being a business several times and even suspended on RC 2 times as a result of my listing corals for sale and/or trade.
They call themselves hobbiests websites but thats bogus, I was banned for nothing other than certain mods personal reasons which totally have no bearing on what I was doing on thier sites other than like I said, something personal they didnt like about myself, which is just to bad for them and thats why they are jerks in my book, whomever it is that had anything to do with the said suspensions/bans.
Basically I started in the hobby of reefkeeping 2 years ago now, I like many others became instantly addicted to the overwhelming amount of colors and species of different animals with which to stock a reef system, so within my 4 first months I already had our 75 running good but decided it wasnt big enough, go figure, so I got a 125, used it for about 8 months or so and wanted an even bigger tank.
So now about 2 1/2 to 3 months ago I went out and bought an even bigger tank to setup and enjoy, and when work majorly slowed down a while back I decided I would have to sell alot of my corals to get some of the money spent on them back, to help finish the new tank setup, so I sold some pieces whole, fragged some and made smaller pieces, took my ricordia colonies except 4 which I sold whole, and cut them all in half or quarters to make some multiple single and double polyp pieces to sell cheaper but more often I figured and easier than bigger pieces.
Long story short I posted about 2 or 3 times in a month and a half or so and all of sudden have people trying to bash me for one thing or another, and to tell the truth I dont bite my tongue or typing finger if someone is bashing me simply because they feel like it for whatever reason, and most of all with no proof of any wrong doing on my part, other than on RC was told if I sold things on ebay it made me commercial, what a joke...If anyone who knows RC you already know that you have to watch your p's and q's as it were, and to not use bad language and etc...There is a mod, heck maybe more than one ofem, and he sells corals he buys wholesale to his buddy on RC, and then this person is allowed to go on RC and sell them at top dollar prices, which I dont care about the prices, but its the point.
They are mods and whatever, and are themselves breaking the rules of the buying/selling forum there on ReefCentral, and probably elsewhere to, so what is wrong with a place that calls it a hobbiests site, and then when a hobbiest is actually trying to sell something, for simply trying to upgrade his/her setup, and they get booted, and I being the bootee really dont understand it or the reason, other than to say that those certain people involved suck, and since I couldnt voice that there for obvious reasons I came to what seems to be one of the few sites that actually is a hobbiests site to say what I think and feel about closed minded people in the world like they are.
See its ok for them to do something, when it is actually a violation of thier own UA, but then me or you a hobbiest comes on there and does the same thing but not as a business, and its a violation, does anyone else have a problem with that? They just make up a reason for whatever one day and your gone, a premium paid member, and you get the boot, for doing nothing wrong at all, so I come here and post to sell some of my corals and its all good, and I have way less than the 280+ posts like I did have on RC, plus didnt even pay a premium membership, but definitely will if they have one, and I hope the mods at RC whom were involved with my bogus suspension read this, as they all bite something I wont mention directly, and its just a big place where little people like them, can pick on whoever they want for whatever they want, with no reprocussions, and that is the real tragedy there.
Ah well,on to better things I guess, and maybe someday someone with some decency and honor, along with a little respect will take things over there, and if not hopefully over time enough people will step up and speak up about it, and then they will lose some of thier subscribers, and maybe some sponsors to, cause thats what they are all about, and sure as hell isnt about the hobbiests as they try to portray, and that goes for them and fishheads, they both made personally motivated decisions based on nothing which had actually been a wrong doing, and I spoke my mind about it, and they didnt like it, yet its ok for them to send me emails and pms, accusing me of being a "liar", and a "business", and "commercial" in nature, which is totally untrue and bogus, but was a good enough excuse to use to boot me I guess, and for that they suck and definitely are not a hobbiests site, just a big paid billboard for a bunch of LFS and online vendors who scream bloody murder and get me booted because I am trying to sell some of my corals to upgrade my system, and yet its ok for them to all do much the same thing in thier selling of corals and such, and then get on RC or wherever and sell them under a different name.
Just had to tell this because I was seriously thinking of selling everything and just getting out of the hobby all together because I couldnt believe how I was being treated and singled out on this stuff, like they just didnt want me to be able to sell enough to finish my new tank, or maybe id sell something to someone they might have otherwise, but see now since then that alot of others have told me the same thing about themselves, and I am not getting out of a hobby I love because of a few jerks out there trying to do thier best to make it impossible for me to do what I was trying to do, which was sell off alot of the stuff I had spent money on buying it from half of them in the first place, and I sure didnt get any complaints when I was buying from them, but now that I as an individual was trying to, I get booted and suspended, and called names through the email, and told I was lying about it all, and literally called a "Liar" by beergut, lol meen beerguy, and he dont even know me, just dont like how frank I am about things when people try to attack me, my morals, and my motivations, as I will speak or type my mind or whats on it, and if they didnt want to hear it they should have kept thier mouths shut and fingers off the keyboards.
Thanks alot, and if you could place this in the proper forum if this isnt it, I would like to see if anyone else has had these poor experiences with RC or anywhere else for that matter, and if selling stuff on ebay 3 or 4 times a year makes me a business, then why is it I am so broke after paying bills I need to sell my corals to finish getting the last few things of equipment upgrades I need when I am making so much as a "business"???Lol, I sure dont know...
They call themselves hobbiests websites but thats bogus, I was banned for nothing other than certain mods personal reasons which totally have no bearing on what I was doing on thier sites other than like I said, something personal they didnt like about myself, which is just to bad for them and thats why they are jerks in my book, whomever it is that had anything to do with the said suspensions/bans.
Basically I started in the hobby of reefkeeping 2 years ago now, I like many others became instantly addicted to the overwhelming amount of colors and species of different animals with which to stock a reef system, so within my 4 first months I already had our 75 running good but decided it wasnt big enough, go figure, so I got a 125, used it for about 8 months or so and wanted an even bigger tank.
So now about 2 1/2 to 3 months ago I went out and bought an even bigger tank to setup and enjoy, and when work majorly slowed down a while back I decided I would have to sell alot of my corals to get some of the money spent on them back, to help finish the new tank setup, so I sold some pieces whole, fragged some and made smaller pieces, took my ricordia colonies except 4 which I sold whole, and cut them all in half or quarters to make some multiple single and double polyp pieces to sell cheaper but more often I figured and easier than bigger pieces.
Long story short I posted about 2 or 3 times in a month and a half or so and all of sudden have people trying to bash me for one thing or another, and to tell the truth I dont bite my tongue or typing finger if someone is bashing me simply because they feel like it for whatever reason, and most of all with no proof of any wrong doing on my part, other than on RC was told if I sold things on ebay it made me commercial, what a joke...If anyone who knows RC you already know that you have to watch your p's and q's as it were, and to not use bad language and etc...There is a mod, heck maybe more than one ofem, and he sells corals he buys wholesale to his buddy on RC, and then this person is allowed to go on RC and sell them at top dollar prices, which I dont care about the prices, but its the point.
They are mods and whatever, and are themselves breaking the rules of the buying/selling forum there on ReefCentral, and probably elsewhere to, so what is wrong with a place that calls it a hobbiests site, and then when a hobbiest is actually trying to sell something, for simply trying to upgrade his/her setup, and they get booted, and I being the bootee really dont understand it or the reason, other than to say that those certain people involved suck, and since I couldnt voice that there for obvious reasons I came to what seems to be one of the few sites that actually is a hobbiests site to say what I think and feel about closed minded people in the world like they are.
See its ok for them to do something, when it is actually a violation of thier own UA, but then me or you a hobbiest comes on there and does the same thing but not as a business, and its a violation, does anyone else have a problem with that? They just make up a reason for whatever one day and your gone, a premium paid member, and you get the boot, for doing nothing wrong at all, so I come here and post to sell some of my corals and its all good, and I have way less than the 280+ posts like I did have on RC, plus didnt even pay a premium membership, but definitely will if they have one, and I hope the mods at RC whom were involved with my bogus suspension read this, as they all bite something I wont mention directly, and its just a big place where little people like them, can pick on whoever they want for whatever they want, with no reprocussions, and that is the real tragedy there.
Ah well,on to better things I guess, and maybe someday someone with some decency and honor, along with a little respect will take things over there, and if not hopefully over time enough people will step up and speak up about it, and then they will lose some of thier subscribers, and maybe some sponsors to, cause thats what they are all about, and sure as hell isnt about the hobbiests as they try to portray, and that goes for them and fishheads, they both made personally motivated decisions based on nothing which had actually been a wrong doing, and I spoke my mind about it, and they didnt like it, yet its ok for them to send me emails and pms, accusing me of being a "liar", and a "business", and "commercial" in nature, which is totally untrue and bogus, but was a good enough excuse to use to boot me I guess, and for that they suck and definitely are not a hobbiests site, just a big paid billboard for a bunch of LFS and online vendors who scream bloody murder and get me booted because I am trying to sell some of my corals to upgrade my system, and yet its ok for them to all do much the same thing in thier selling of corals and such, and then get on RC or wherever and sell them under a different name.
Just had to tell this because I was seriously thinking of selling everything and just getting out of the hobby all together because I couldnt believe how I was being treated and singled out on this stuff, like they just didnt want me to be able to sell enough to finish my new tank, or maybe id sell something to someone they might have otherwise, but see now since then that alot of others have told me the same thing about themselves, and I am not getting out of a hobby I love because of a few jerks out there trying to do thier best to make it impossible for me to do what I was trying to do, which was sell off alot of the stuff I had spent money on buying it from half of them in the first place, and I sure didnt get any complaints when I was buying from them, but now that I as an individual was trying to, I get booted and suspended, and called names through the email, and told I was lying about it all, and literally called a "Liar" by beergut, lol meen beerguy, and he dont even know me, just dont like how frank I am about things when people try to attack me, my morals, and my motivations, as I will speak or type my mind or whats on it, and if they didnt want to hear it they should have kept thier mouths shut and fingers off the keyboards.
Thanks alot, and if you could place this in the proper forum if this isnt it, I would like to see if anyone else has had these poor experiences with RC or anywhere else for that matter, and if selling stuff on ebay 3 or 4 times a year makes me a business, then why is it I am so broke after paying bills I need to sell my corals to finish getting the last few things of equipment upgrades I need when I am making so much as a "business"???Lol, I sure dont know...