one of my power head suction cups always fall off after awhile. can i add a dab of silicone to the suction cups underwater? i have heard both yes and no.
Maybe the curing process need air to activate? Then it won't cure underwater. Again, the best way to test it is to use a small jar with old tank water. Only take a few hours and we will know the answer unless someone show me the chemical reaction for silicon glue curing... saw it before, but don't remember it.
Hmmm... I've heard warnings against it as well. I would guess that the curing process does need air- judging by the fumes that come off drying silicon- personally, it gives me a headache. I wouldn't want whatever that is going into my tank, whether or not it could actually dry underwater... But then again reef gel superglue and the two part putty epoxy stuff smells like crap and is used underwater.
I doubt it will cure under water. In addition, some commercial silicones use other solvents besides acetic acid, and these solvents are much more toxic. If you do try silicone, make sure it is either for aquariums or is rated to be used in food preparation areas.
Maybe you should forget the suction cups and just make a bracket or use tie-straps to secure it. Those are fairly common alternatives due to the lack of reliability with suction cups...