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Hi all,

I really have to get my digi-cam fixed. For now, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible.

It is forming on my live rock. The biggest seems to be 2 cm (so far), and they are growing in clusters. Most are oval in shape, but some are irregular. They are a purplish-brown, with a white colour that looks lightly brushed on. They also have orange dots on them. It is only growing in one spot.

I've tried searching around, but I can't seem to find what these are. Any ideas?


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jusreefin":316y9b3l said:
Sea Squirts AKA Tunicates maybe???

I typed that in google, and for a minute I thought you had it. But those all are defined by having an intake and out-take 'hole' by which the water 'squirts' through. No such thing on these critters. :(

I'm going to see if I can get my digi-cam fixed. It needs to get up and running anyways.


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I'm thinking a type of sponge, but as anemonebuff says, we'll need a photo to say for sure.

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