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I have a 75 gallon aquarium that just will not grow any corals. I know it has to be something simple that i am just over looking but i can't put a finger on it. Other aquariums that i have do just fine. I have always used all seachem supplements with no problems. Reef iodide, carbonate, trace, calcium, and strontium. Any input would be appreciated. I can post a picture if someone can explain how i can do it.

Thank you

-sixline wrasse
-2 dispar anthias
-cubicus boxfish
-lg true percula
-tiger sleeper goby
-regal blue tang
-flame angel
-yellow tang

-sm 10 gallon sump w/filtersock
-red sea berlin classic in-sump skimmer
-9 watt u.v. sterilzer (always on?)

-48" coralife aqualight
65watt Actinic pc x(2)
65watt 10,000k pc x(2)

edit -two maxijet 600's for flow and a small iwaki as the return pump


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Are you using RO/DI water? How often are you doing water changes? Hows your flow? Pictures would help.


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i am useing ro/di and change 20 gallons every three weeks relgiously, flow is pretty good. The left side of the tank could use some but im not even having any luck on the right. I will post pictures if someone can tell me how or where to find out how to do it. Everytime i try to add a picture it won't let me add the file becuase its too big. How do i make it smaller?


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what sort of corals are you trying to "grow" would also help. your lighting can keep many corals alive but may not be intense enough for many as well. Also, check into the RO/DI cartridges. maybe theyre not cleaning out as much as you think?

Also, what are the specs of the setup? how much rock, sand (if any) etc. What exactly is happening to them? so they die or simply just not grow?



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150lbs of rock
40 lbs of sand
calcium about 450
alk 14 dKH
ph about 8,2

im just trying to keep mushrooms and polyps. There are some mushrooms in there that are doing ok but the green button polyps that are in there are slowly dieing. I have a quarter sized patch of green star polyps that come out but it has been two months and they still will not attach to the rock. I have tried a small colt frag and green finger leather frag but both slowly wasted away. So most of them in put in slowly die and the rest will not grow and never open up like they should. The cartridges in my unit i replace every three months and the membrane i replace every 6.


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May i suggest somthing a little off the wall, as a fellow Georgian, discontinue the use of ALL THOSE chemicals and try B-Ionic. In my experiance it is the simplest most effective way to keep ur tank up on Ca and trace elements.


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I agree with Snow. Stop all supplements and just rely on water changes.


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The copper in a used tank is a possibility.

I also think you should drop that iodide if you are doing water changes, unless you test the level and know how much you need to be adding. That's one thing I have not dosed in over 5 years, supposedly it can be toxic to invertibrates if levels rise too high.

To post a picture, when you are on the "post" screen, go below the message field and you will see a "browse" button. Click that button to find the photo on your computer and click on it. Then when the file name goes into the browse field, click "add attachemnt" below it. It cannot be a very large file so you may have to size it down first.


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Let me know if this picture is good enough or if you need a closer one

It is a brand new aquarium about 8 months old. I upgraded it from a 55. I test the iodide every month and it is still in place. I might just switch and try something else for a while.


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    Rita Park 10.JPG
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I am probably not the best advice here but,

It looks like you tank may still be cycling. Was the rock you put in base rock or live rock? I can't see any coraline. If I had to guess I would say your tank is to immature to house corals. It also looks like you could use some flow. I dont see any powerheads and with all that rock I assume you have lots of dead spots. But man is that some awesome rock. Some of those pieces look huge. I am sure it will be a big pain in the ass but you might try aquascaping to create more tunnels and gaps to keep the flow going evenly through out the system.

Oops I just saw you edit with the power heads you have that may be enough but I just don't see a lot of area for it to circulate.

These are just my opinions though so take it with a grain of salt if you like. When I was testing the coral market I bought a colt coral. They need decent flow and they are very receptive to changes. I can just about tell when I need to dose what by just looking at the colt. I can be all expanded and feelers out one day and the next be curled up like a jello jiggler. Then I find the problem and solve it.

I tend to agree with the copper in the tank also. When you added you fish did you put the water from the bag in? A LFS near me uses copper in there fish only tanks to prevent disease and I have to slowly aclimate them twice. Once in the copper water and a second time in my water to make sure no copper makes it in with my corals.

Hope that helps.


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Upstate NY
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I would expect to see more coralline growth at this point in a tank with fluorescent lighting, provided Ca/Alk/Mg levels are good and DOCs are low. I think the suggestion to switch to a 2-part additive vs. dosing all that stuff separately is a good one.

As for flow, IME 2 X MJ 600s + a small Iwaki return pump is not much for a 75 gallon tank. Last time I had a 75 gallon running I had 4 X MJ 1200s + return pump and I felt that was adequate, although I would have preferred even more...


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I always just figured since the calcium and alk. levels are not bad then it doesn't matter how you put them in there. Calcium at 450 is calcium at 450 no matter how you get there. I can see where i can increase some flow im gonna fidget some and let you know what i do.


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Upstate NY
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Any number of methods for supplementing Ca are fine (including what you're currently doing) but dosing separate components generally makes it harder to keep Ca/Alk/Mg at proper ratios. Many of us prefer and recommend the 2-part additives because they add the components in balanced quantities.

Good flow is critical in a reef tank IME and I think you'll see a significant difference with improved circulation.

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