I'm looking for some advice with fish choices for my 90gal display.
For now I have the following:
1 yellow tang
2 mandarins (S. splendidus) (pair)
1 Royal gramma
2 Ocellaris clownfish (pair)
All of the above either stay hidden or stick to their anemone. The yellow tang swims by every once in a while but more than 50-70% of the time is hiding (very shy guy). Thus, most of the time when I look at the tank there are no fish to be seen. I'd like to change that.
What I'm thinking is a small school of fish (5-7) that like to stay out and perhaps a pair of flame angels.
For the school of fish I'd like to skip the chromis because they're aggresive in small numbers (and don't have a lot of color - at least by marine standards).
Anthias would be ideal, but I understand that they are quite aggressive and require a (much) larger tank.
That's why I was thinking about a school of cardinalfish (not Banggai as they don't school well as adults), but rather some with yellow or red that stay small. However, I'm not sure if those guys stay out in the open or they'll be schooling in the rockwork.
Finally, would a pair of flame angels stay out or stay mostly in the rocks?
Thanks for the advice
For now I have the following:
1 yellow tang
2 mandarins (S. splendidus) (pair)
1 Royal gramma
2 Ocellaris clownfish (pair)
All of the above either stay hidden or stick to their anemone. The yellow tang swims by every once in a while but more than 50-70% of the time is hiding (very shy guy). Thus, most of the time when I look at the tank there are no fish to be seen. I'd like to change that.
What I'm thinking is a small school of fish (5-7) that like to stay out and perhaps a pair of flame angels.
For the school of fish I'd like to skip the chromis because they're aggresive in small numbers (and don't have a lot of color - at least by marine standards).
Anthias would be ideal, but I understand that they are quite aggressive and require a (much) larger tank.
That's why I was thinking about a school of cardinalfish (not Banggai as they don't school well as adults), but rather some with yellow or red that stay small. However, I'm not sure if those guys stay out in the open or they'll be schooling in the rockwork.
Finally, would a pair of flame angels stay out or stay mostly in the rocks?
Thanks for the advice