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Hey everyone,

I recently picked up a coral beauty angel. I researched its diet and the LFS confirmed that it would eat frozen and possibly some flake.

However, it has been three days and he wont eat. He spits out the mysis shrimp and wont even go for the flake.

He seems quite settled and ventures out often, not bothered by anyone else in the tank.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I can feed this guy?


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You will probably have to wean the angelfish onto flake food. Very few fish I know will instantly dried foods, and some are picky about what frozen foods they will eat. All my dwarf angels readily ate frozen Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef foods, so maybe give that a shot. Live bring shrimp mixed with frozen food is a good way to teach your fish to eat frozen as well.


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My experience with coral beauties is that they are rock pickers, so if you see them picking at rocks they're probably already getting food so don't worry terribly much. If you see them poop then you know they're eatting! :)


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I had a coral beauty and it ate my blended sea food mix just like the rest of my fish. It also had a taste for xenia.


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Well... if you just recently got him then I'd say he's in danger of starving unless he snaps out of it. He sounds stressed. People often recommend live brine when you add a fish to calm them down and get them to eat. At this point you can try that and/or try mixing your food with some Garlic food additive to stimulate eating. I'd take it seriously though b/c he needs to be eating. Also nobody else mentioned this but remember he's an Angel so... he'll eat greens. You can get a frozen green food or some Angel mix... and try a bit of seaweed too. Soak it in garlic additive too. Maybe that'll keep the crabs off your seaweed b/c he may be too nervous to eat it right away.


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I feed my PearlScale a gel-based Dwarf Angel food that I get at my LFS..name escapes me, so I'll try and post tomorrow. He totally tears it up and it's supposedly for all Dwarf Angels. From what I can tell, it has some mysis, and other algal types of stuff.

Good luck w/him!


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I took the advice of grabbing some frozen food specifically for the needs of angels. The coral beauty loves it.

Funny enough, by the time I got it, he managed to develop a liking to the flake as well. At first I thought he was just too hungry to be picky, but now he eats both readily.

Thanks to everyone.


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Good to hear he's eating!

Sorry for not posting, but vid card decided to die on me :(

So no mantis this week..but World of Warcraft looks great! LOL

The brand I feed mine is from a comapany called Ocean Nutrition, with a bit of San Francisco Bay Marine Mix (Medley??) every so often as well.

Keep us posted on how he's doin!

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